
Thursday, October 05, 2023

Too little too late, Joe

The Biden administration has made a stunning reversal in migration policy by revealing it will build 20 miles of border wall to try and combat the latest surge in migrant crossings. 

In a shock announcement on Wednesday night, the Department of Homeland Security said it's waiving 26 federal laws to start constructing a new 'physical barrier' that was started under Donald Trump.


Twenty miles of wall..... that's less than a day's walk, even less time if they ride a US government supplied bus.
This is nothing but a feel good measure so Biden can say he did something. Kinda funny though how he ignored this bullshit when Red cities and States were getting overrun, but suddenly it's a crisis when the sanctuary cities and States get a taste of what it's like to live in the Southwest.


  1. Of course, create a mess then come in to "fix it", look how good we are! We Care. fuck him!
    Yeah, blue states pointing finger at him, now the fucker worries.

  2. This will work. This is for Joe's beloved voters: "after bringing in 1,000,000 illegals per year, next year I'll only bring in 999,999. " And his voters "Praise the lord".

  3. Open season on illegals and any and all who helped them, lots of catholic agencies making big bank off of this. Congress has done NOTHING!!!! Theres only one party in DC and folks they could give two shits about us taxpaying voters. And we see musical chairs with office space in DC? Thats the extent of the immature childish behavior of those sent to serve us? They stopped serving us the voters long ago. We need a major purge. 90% of federal government needs to be gone! Let’s list the ridiculous agencies and how many work and the cost. Education, Indian affairs, Energy, EPA, to name a few
    It’s time for Wind Chimes I say, Wind Chimes!! Each and every lamppost in DC needs to be decorated, every overpass needs a few dangling decorations!!!!

  4. hmmm...the US/Mexican border is almost 2,000 miles. The texas portion alone is about 1,250 miles of that .
    Biden wants a pat on the back (and probably credit for the idea) for 20 miles of fence. Yes...the Idiots ARE in control.

    1. Isn't Biden the guy that throws a fit every time the Governors of Arizona and Texas try to put up barriers on the border?
      You think he's gonna put the kibosh on Myorkas?

  5. So , now that Dementia joe has sold off the materials needed to build the wall , he decides to go ahead and start building the damn thing ? What a fucktard.

  6. I’m surprised they can just waive a law

    1. I had no idea that DHS had the authority to "waive" Federal Law. They don't! They're just looking to see what they can get away with. This is simply the beginning. It's only going to get worse from here.

  7. it's just trolling for votes among the independents fed up with Beaners sleeping on their door steps and calming down the NYC & Chicago mayors.

  8. Biden Inc sold off a lot of the construction materials that was already there and was purchased by the previous administration. This is an election ploy, even Ray Charles could see that. BTW, Hey Republicucks how's that Mayorkas impeachment (threat) coming along?
    - WDS

  9. It's like plugging one hole in a colander and saying it's waterproof.

  10. Where are the screeches of "raciiiiiiist" now?

  11. They know that waiving 26 laws, will be tied up in court for the next 20 years or so and will end up in a ruling that won't allow any wall to be built. This also gives them cover for the next election cycle.

    1. Even if there weren't the tree-hugger lawsuits to deal with, if Mayorkas gave the order today, there wouldn't be workers and materials on-site until after the election.

  12. Ahhh... but WHO gets awarded the construction contract and who gets designated to supply materials ? ? This boondoggle of a puppet show should be informative . ..

  13. Just creating funnel points to control the flow and make sure they are shipped directly to red states.



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