
Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Tuesday's gifs












  1. #3 Such a prima donna.....

  2. #7: that's the hubcap I lost last week!

  3. #4: Leonidas Polk was a bishop and Confederate general:

    "On June 14, 1864, Polk was scouting enemy positions near Marietta, Georgia, with his staff when he was killed in action by a U.S. 3-inch (76 mm) shell at Pine Mountain.[25] The artillery fire was initiated when Sherman spotted a cluster of Confederate generals — Polk, William J. Hardee, and Johnston, with their staffs — in an exposed area. He pointed them out to Maj. Gen. Oliver Otis Howard, commander of the U.S. IV Corps, and ordered him to fire upon them. Battery I of the 1st Ohio Light Artillery, commanded by Capt. Hubert Dilger, obeyed the order within minutes. The first round from the battery came close and a second came even closer, causing the men to disperse. The third shell struck Polk's left arm, went through his chest, and exited, hitting his right arm, then exploded against a tree; it nearly cut Polk in two."

    1. I have in my possesion a perfectly mushroomed Yankee .58 round from Battle of Kennesaw Mountain overlooking Marietta and I can tell you that your chances of surviving being hit by such a thing would have been grim indeed.

    2. Leonidas was the Commanding(?) Bishop of the Episcopal Church in the US prior to the War of Nortnern Aggression.

  4. #5. That's the brown coat. Tomorrow stucco.

    #10. That's dumb.

    1. If you can plaster, you will always have work

  5. #3: It's all fun and games until your instructor sees you fucking around wearing your pointe shoes and goes nuclear.

    #9: I try to not wish death on people, but when I do it's usually a cyclist.

    1. #9 On bicycles with the brake levers mounted forward of the bar like that if you were to block or grab the front of the left handlebar as the cyclist zooms by it would apply the front brake and twist the handlebar violently resulting in a faceplant.
      #5 I think I bought my '71 Jag from him

    2. #9. I love me some vids/gif's of biketards eating shit. It makes my day.

  6. #4 fuck yo couch!

  7. #10... I have no sound, but it appears she be sayin' "aww sheeit, mah sail foam!"

  8. #10 - Totally a setup. Who was taking the video? A: Someone with a cell phone sitting across from her. Dumbasses littering for clicks, IMHO. Someone has to clean that up, you know! I hope she used her old cell phone, and they take the data off it, figure out who she is, and charge her for that stunt.

    #3 Point shoes? Bad enough to have to wear them to perform, and practice enough to wear them to perform. They totally destroy your feet. Young, dumb, and feeling invincible. She'll pay with interest later in life. Well, if she lives that long, which isn't a given for anyone, much less someone with that attitude.

    John G

  9. #4- Fuck your cover, fuck you, fuck the three dudes behind you, and fuck whatever I stop in.

  10. #1 - Is that a German Shorthaired? I hope he takes him hunting!
    #3 - I lived with a NY City Ballet ballerina for a year. She was a frickin' psycho. She actually dated Bruce Willis before me. My brush with greatness!
    #5 - Is that Bondo or cement? If the former, does that make him a Bondito?
    #7 - There aren't no fucking aliens flying around. Get over it. Not saying there's no other life out here. They just ain't visiting us.
    #8 - That's my ex ballerina girlfriend trying to kick me in the balls.

  11. 6) Reminds me of a story my mom told me about not leaving a large momma pig in a small enclosure with her piglets. Sometimes when they are sleeping she will roll over and suffocate some of the piglets.

    1. In the open, a sow will make a nest of whatever is available. Straw or hay is preferred, but sometimes they'll just dig a nest shaped hole and farrow there. Baby pigs don't have a chance when a 350-700 pound mama rolls over with the pig under her. She can't tell they are there unless they are able to squeal and with all that weight on them, they seldom are able to squeal. Large open areas or small enclosed areas, pigs get suffocated regularly. Probably the greatest reason for pig deaths.

  12. 4. Some friends of mine have a 3" French made Confederate gun that they shoot in competition. They say they can put a 9 lb shell through the window of a house from over a mile.

  13. #8 and 10. Stick to sucking dick.


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