
Monday, October 09, 2023

You Can Draft This

There are some rumblings that I expect to get louder now that our elite is realizing that they have totally alienated the traditional Americans who traditionally make up our Armed Forces, and that they are thinking about the necessity of a draft. The Army War College, of which I am an alum, recently published an article that talks about the casualties you can expect in high intensity warfare – several thousand a week. So, in a few weeks, you’ve got more dead than you had in Afghanistan and Iraq combined over 20 years. Our military, which has shrunk dramatically over the last three decades, simply cannot accept that rate of casualties, especially when it can’t fill its ranks with volunteers anymore. So, the answer is apparently to not rely on volunteers.


  1. and like how ? when they are having a hard time getting uniforms for the Marines they have now ? the whole idea that we can fight or wage war like this country did in WW2 is just insane. we do not have the factories for one. let alone the machine tools. or even the means and skilled workforce to made machine tools. and then you get to "the people".
    the people today are nothing like what they where back in 1940.
    on average, they are a lot dumber, lazy and really don't care about anything but their phone.
    or the next feel good minute. it is just not going to happen today. dave in pa.

    1. Right again dave. A draft today would not accomplish anything but a social backlash by the young against the military. Not a bad thing for us Heritage dissidents. It takes many months to sort out draftees and train them. There is so much worthless shit in the draftee pool now, that sifting it for good raw materiel is not worth the trouble. The existing forces, as we know, are full of useless, undeployable LGBFJB rainbow types as it is. so the institution is already breaking down and cannot absorb and train competent force with a pack of freaks to act as a cadre. All you would end up with is a multibillion dollar woke freakshow "army" of a few million that scares nobody and will not fight. Let them keep taking nonsense and keep your well raised Heritage American kids out of it at any cost.

    2. Anonymous 10:42, yes there's that. As a former SNCO, I had my hands full riding herd on my people, and every one of them was a volunteer and by selection and training, the best enlisted people in Naval Aviation.

  2. I was born in June of 1960, so I was the last month that had to register for the draft, when the began registration again, after the Vietnam war. I am now 63, so obviously I would not be one of those called upon for such an offensive.
    The thing is, if someone were to actually attack America, I would be among the rest of my generation standing in line waiting for weapons and ammo to fight to protect our country. That is not the kind of foreign policy that our politicians pursue now, and the ghosts of our veterans who died to save the world from totalitarianism must be watching with tears on their cheeks.
    Just looking at things from a Biblical point of view, we must be very concerned. What is starting in Israel and the middle east can quickly escalate around the world. That would be a true war to end all wars.

    1. You should have a safe full of weapons and cases of ammo. I for one will not be standing in line to protect my own....

    2. Anon 12:41- I am well covered for personal safety and family defense. I do not have the means to fight an invasion by a foreign force, which calls for automatic weapons and comms that others have in common.

    3. Yep, don't need to wait in line. I can't beat an army, but a handful that show up will have a problem.

  3. Fuck no, I won't go!

  4. Who would join this army without an explicit contract to acquire pilot or similar skills? Patriotism after seeing we gave away Afghanistan? Honor when officers with dicks become women and promoted? Service when vets of my era are left to live in tents under the overpass?

    Join on your own financial terms. The rest has turned into bullshit.

    1. My best advice to young, heritage Americans if this comes to be... join early and take all the skilled tradesman jobs (electrician, HVAC, plumbing) or IT/computer jobs, aviation mechanic and the like. Use it as free trade school so you get out after your stint and don't look back. Use every damn benefit that they owe you... school bennies, VA mortgage, the works. If you are fortunate enough to be Texan, enter the forces from there and dip into Hazlewood Act benefits as well.
      I am retired, former enlisted and retired as an officer. Do your own due diligence.

    2. Anon 1:35, dude thats not how it works now. When you are deployed now a days you do what ever the fook is needed. your MOS don’t mean shit, unless your 11B. Units are tossed into deployment missions that make absolutely sense with what the unit is trained to do. Oh and I am a mustang as well, retired 0-5, in 2013, six deployments.

      Best advice, do not join the military.

  5. Truman (and others, including the Japs) didn’t think that the American public would stand for the proposed losses of an invasion of mainland Japan

    1. well, after the invasions of Iwo and Okinawa, they figured the deaths would be close to
      a million. and wounded ? between 2-4 million.
      here is a fun fact. they made so many purple hearts in 1945 that they never had to make any more. YUP. THEY HAVE THAT MANY IN STORAGE.
      one thing they never talk about is the amount of lives saved by dropping the damn bomb. they where training SCHOOL KIDS of 6 and up how to hide in a hole and stab
      a GI as they came close. I learned that little fact from Jap officers that went to
      CGSC. they where quit glad they dropped the bomb. otherwise the country would have wiped itself out. if we had to invade that place, it would have taken a year or more and millions would have died on both sides. dave in pa.

    2. And the bad thing about the expected losses from the Invasion of Japan? Our casualty numbers were woefully low. Got that? Our expected casualties was a serious low-ball.

      In 1946 the US did basically a foot search of the whole damned series of islands. And talked to a heck of a lot of people.

      New figures? US dead between 2-10 million, wounded between 20-40 million.

      Or we could have blockaded completely and burned down every habitation from the sky, destroyed all their crops and forests (Agent Orange was based upon herbicides developed for potential use in Japan) and poisoned all their waters.

      Either way, an invasion or starvation would have killed the US morally and killed the Japanese pretty much to gone state.

      The Bombs were the solution. One bomb doing what 2 days of constant firebombing did to other cities.

    3. The U.S. wonks based their estimate of one million American casualties on intel of 3 IJA divisions defending the southern approaches to the home islands.

      After the bombs, it was learned there were not 3 but eleven divisions. Plus, every civvie, irrespective of age, male and female, were armed and ready to defend.

    4. Also, seldom brought up, was by that time the rest of the world was aware of the atrocities committed in Japanese POW camps and we were in no mood to be beneficent to them.

  6. I have an answer:
    All the military-age men coming across the border into the US can be pressed into service for the defense of this country. All the White-Haitians, the White-Hispanics, the White-Somalians. the White-Chinese, etc. Especially the White-MS-13 members. Empty the prisons, but leave the White-Whites, they're racists. As I understand, the border crossers are issued phones, so someone is keeping tabs on them.
    Problemo solvolvo, your welcome.

    1. Exactly. You beat me to it.

    2. Anon 12:37, what a great concept. But it’s not what the NWO, Soros, WEF graduates have in mind for the White White fellas. They are all to die. Sooo, gents dont join, dont report for said draft. I could go on, but it’s dinner time, oh and football is on, or baseball, any way the sportzball game is on!!!!!! See yah.

    3. Tell them they are all drafted. Then send them to the Ukraine. Divide the group in half and give one half to the Russians, the other half to the Ukraine. They are now part of Operation Human Shield and must fight to the last man on behalf of the country they have been assigned. The last man standing is declared King of the Hill and will be provided with citizenship of the country he originally came from, then returned.

  7. How about these assholes take car of THIS country & stop sticking their nose into everyone else's business?
    I'm sure that's why half the world hates us.

    1. Half the world hates us for one because our primary foreign policy goal has been to spread faggotry and other perversions for quite a while now.

      If war comes here what's to fight for? A country that hates white people and normalcy? The US will never defeat a foreign enemy because 1/2 the country would be on its side. We'd need to kill the internal enemy (Democrat voters) first before fighting any foreign enemy.

      Let the women and other grievance culture promoters (blacks, homos) man the front lines. I won't defend their world. I'd rather see the US split into multiple nations same as happened to the old USSR. There's no greater malign influence in the world, nor any govt more dangerous to the US people, than the US Federal govt.

  8. If the draft comes back, you'll see the same selective drafting I saw back in the 1960s. It's gonna be another "Fortunate sons" situation. The elites and politicians’ kids almost 100% go to college then post grad school where they'll' get deferrals till after they're 26 so that will leave the draftees pulled up from the working class. Of the few who don't go to college there’s the medical waver route.

    1. Don't forget the queer in the rear doing their six months (or less) in theater then returning home a combat vet.

    2. You'll see the sons and daughters (yeah, fucking draft them too) of the elite "in the rear with the gear".
      Owl Gore Jr. was the only E-5 running around SE Asia with a bodyguard.

  9. Some thoughts, relevant to both here and Israel:

  10. This is a GREAT time to show heritage America just how capable and valuable all of those blue-hair land whales, furries, sodomites, AnTiFaBlM and medically-frankenstiened people actually are (I have missed a range of categories for the sake of brevity). To do this, they all need to be put right into all the front-line jobs. Let the heritage Americans sit this one out. Then, we all get to watch the news and see how it plays out. I think we'd really get to see what these folks are made of.

  11. I would personally remove my grandson from this country into a nonextradiction country before I would let the corrupt bastards in charge draft him into their MIC murdering money kickback schemes.. 🖕

    1. I've got one grandson in his second year of college ROTC and his brother is two years behind.
      I'm going to do my best to talk them out of joining up. I did 22 years; I figure that's plenty for me, their dads and those two.

    2. Good luck, in my opinion this country has taken a huge shift away from its original principles and is not the same country most here grew up in.... It's not worth giving up your life for anymore

  12. Good comments. Why I like this site.

  13. I went into the Army in 1965, and I can confirm this -

    In every basic training platoon there is at least one village idiot, one genius egghead, one gung-ho patriot, one pig pen, and one psychopath. I don't know how the military manages to do this, but ask anyone from any branch of service and this statement can be confirmed. Steve Sailer

    1. I remember all those guys in my basic company, but not any psycho.... Never mind. Now I get it.

    2. Yeah, I might've been all those guys rolled into one. :^)

  14. A draft of illegals will finish us off completely. Give those motherfuckers Marshall skills and a vote and we are through. Think about it. The clowns north of Richmond have already gamed this out. Call them up and their duty stations will be Conus keeping our asses in line. Eod1sg Ret


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