
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Commentary: Flirtation with Evil Will Not End Well for the Progressive Left

Has the TikTok Left just jumped the shark? 

Well, yes. Imagine seizing on Osama bin Laden’s 2002 “Letter to the American People” as a revelation to justify your wounded adolescent narcissism and historical ignorance? This past week, a bunch of videos from the Chinese owned data-hoovering and propaganda-peddling app took the meme-world by storm by showering some love on the defunct Islamic terrorist and kicking America in the process. Quoth one fragile female as she brushed her teeth: “Trying to go back to life as normal after reading Osama bin Laden’s ‘Letter to America’ and realizing everything we learned about the Middle East, 9/11, and ‘terrorism’ was a lie.” Another client of this new experiment in juvenile mind control bleated that the mastermind of the 9/11 terrorist attacks taught her that America was a “plague on the entire world.”


  1. They would have a different opinion if they had watched a family member die when the World Trade Center buildings collapsed. Then again, with the indoctrination they've encountered, their stupidity might have overruled a normal reaction to the brutal murder of innocent people.

    1. The fact they can't or won't believe the atrocities that happened on 10/07 are real and not propaganda or even worse that the Israelis deserved it would make me doubt even that would change their warped minds.
      The ironic thing is half if not most of these useful idiots would be killed in a NY minute if they went to Gaza or most countries in the ME.


  2. It's amazing what many young people, especially emotionally reacting, idealistic babes will fall for. It's the low esteem fueled: "yes he beats me daily, but I still love him and he'll change", bullshit. It's just another case that the trait unique to humans ability to reason is a curse.

  3. It is unfortunate that much of that generation may have to be liquidated. We won't miss them. We will also need to sterilize their parents to engage in idiot management.

  4. Trump already told the world that we need to shut down tictok. The left will NEVER allow that. WHY? The left has no clue; it is only that 'not Trump' thingy.

  5. It’s a good idea to read those things that editorials such as this tell you to avoid. A lot of people who (I believe correctly) shit all over Marx, yet they’ve never read any of his writings.
    Read these things for yourself and form your own opinions.

    1. Agreed. I've stated many times that you should read and study both sides of any issue and use the brain God gave you to form your own opinions. Follow nothing blindly.

    2. Yup, but the problem as I see it is the Gen Z's or whatever they call them/they selves now, get all their info from a 30 second sound bite.
      "My prof said it therefore it is true."
      "Stupid is a stupid does" so we are roundly screwed as a nation and society when this next gen takes over.

  6. I read it recently, and I think everybody should read it. He wants sharia law for everyone, toss all the gays off roofs, keep women barefoot and in the kitchen. Most importantly, he made some very good points about U.S. imperialism and meddling in other country's business.

    Here it is -

  7. The left is not flirting with evil? The left is the embodiment of evil.


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