
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Fixed it!



  1. Of course she stands under the power lines!

  2. Replies
    1. You're lucky. If that was a PG&E pole it and everything around it would be on fire. And you'd be paying four times the going rate to pay for the damages.

  3. Why do I think of the Biden Build Back Better program when looking at this picture?

    1. Because you are of generally, low IQ. Any other questions?

    2. Well, this is one "shovel ready" job that is really real!

    3. Anon at 7:13: I have a question. Why did you put a comma after generally? Weren't you ever taught proper punctuation both times you were in 3rd grade?

    4. Apparently Anonymous 7:13 missed the part about 'keeping it civil'. Which is to be expected when it's coming from a Biden fanboy.

    5. Typical liberal, huh? I normally delete the insulting comments, but I couldn't resist fucking with him. He did manage to spell IQ right though, so I'll give him some credit.

    6. re: the Third Grade - Exchange between Walter Brennan (Father) and Gene Evans (son) from 'Support Your Local Sheriff' -

      Pa Danby: "I don't want nobody to make no martyr out of this here sheriff."
      Tom Danby: "What's a martyr?"
      Pa Danby: "Oh, I'm sorry. They didn't use words like that in the third grade, did they?"
      Tom Danby: "How would I know? I didn't get that far."

  4. looks like Russia...or Ukraine

    1. Or Kansas/Oklahoma

    2. I’d be very surprised if this was in the US. The hardware and insulators on the pole aren’t anything that I’m familiar with and it’s a square pole. But maybe it is.

    3. A pole had been leaning nearly this far when I called the utility. The crew looked at the pole (with transformer) then said to call them when it falls. With that they left.

    4. My brother-in-law had a huge oak that started a wicked lean towards his house after some heavy winds, so he called his insurance company to see if they'd pay for its removal and they told him no. He asked "You mean you won't pay 1800 bucks to have the tree taken out before it damages my house, but you will pay $20,000 or more to repair the damage it'll cause when it falls on the house?" and they said, "That's right."
      He paid for the removal himself.

    5. Anon at 10:22 PM-
      Three years ago I noticed several huge woodpecker holes/nests in a 35' PG&E pole at my property line. It also had a transformer and was/still is surrounded by heavy brush. After I called the company, they sent a trouble shooter out to take a look and he told me "All the poles around here look like that" and left.

      A year later I get a call from the man who was the chief pole inspector near my home and he wanted to meet with me. The day he came he agreed that pole needed to be changed out. Then we spent about two hours shooting the breeze (my inspection was the last of his day, so I'm sure his visit was on his own time). I think he just enjoyed visiting a fellow white red-neck Cousin Jack like me instead of a whining, dickheaded Bay Area transplant.

      End of story: the pole was soon replaced with a new 50' pole by a contracted line crew who was a complete joy to watch work.

      Lesson of the story is if you see something say something. I'm convinced my original report just had to dribble down within the system until it found the right person who was aware the old pole was a liability whose time had come, and that the company was on record as knowing they had a problem.

  5. Does look like Russia and I don't doubt she and her family DID fix it until the power company gets there. Not all people are helpless until the "experts" show up.

  6. Russia or at least the FSU would be my guess. Used to see it all the time when I was working there. Occasionally the high-tension line would break in high winds and just lay there on the ground, still live. The occasional dead cow, bloated with legs sticking straight up, would be the signal to watch out.

  7. " I don't need no man !!!"

  8. Starker here,
    I've seen a lot of utility poles. Climbed a few. I even mowed one down on a stupid night.
    Usually they cut down trees, debark them, treat them, and then stick the dead trees back in the ground.
    But, I've never seen anyone cut them SQUARE before. That's a 40 foot 12 x 12!

    1. I noticed it was square too. It sure came in handy for the square prop though.

    2. That's cuz it's cast concrete...very common over there.


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