
Thursday, December 07, 2023

"Inflation Is Your Fault" And Other Self-Loathing Liberal Lies

Hell hath no fury like a New York City limousine liberal full of self-guilt, ready to submit to their overlords in the government and media, even if it means blaming themselves (and everybody else) for problems that have absolutely nothing to do with them.


  1. A truly wonderful term fo the author of the Atlantic article is “Cockwomble”. A Scottish term for someone with a very inflated opinion of themselves and absolutely no reason for such an opinion.

    1. I have a brother like that. He's so freakin stupid he can't process that he's stupid. The absolute worst. -sammy

    2. Anon - Your brother may suffer from Dunning-Kruger effect. It's a "cognitive bias where people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities due to a lack of self-awareness." Also known as "they think they're smart and they're decidedly not."

  2. Inflation is our fault? Hmm. I'm not sure how that works.

    If we, as private citizens try to expand the money supply by printing our own money, than that's not inflation, it's counterfeiting.

    If the government keeps printing and circulating more and more currency even though the economy is is not expanding (or not expanding as fast as the money supply), you get inflation. The amount of disposable income shrinks as prices rise.

    If inflation gets bad enough people stop spending money on anything other than necessities.

    So how is the expansion of the money supply above the amount needed the fault of anyone BUT the government?

    1. But the govt. was chosen by the people. So whose fault is it then? Sure, govt. printed the $'s, to pay for all the things the people want. Free health care. Forever wars. Free food, phones, utilities, Internet, and more for "the poor", never minding the poorest American is still in the top few % economically worldwide. Millions of crimmigrants pouring over the border. Laws and ever more laws whether effective or not.

      You can perhaps claim that's not what the people voted for. But by their indifference they did. Less than 1/2 of them are paying any Fed income taxes so they don't much care what it costs others. Deliberate ignorance and proud apathy are among our highest ideals. And so far nobody wants to deprive themselves of even anything easy like dining out and not going to a Taylor Swift gig. There's no concept of a general strike. People are voting their wallets, they are spending and feeding the machine every day.

      Inflation is the ultimate just tax. Everybody gets to pay it for a change. It's about time everyone got a little skin in the game.

    2. You elected them. Enjoy.

    3. The government uses inflation and the tax rate to keep the minions down.

      How could it be anything but? The economics of both aren't rocket science.

    4. That blatant lie "you elected them" is simply untrue.

      As long as the Dominion Voting machines, mail-in ballots, voter harvesting, etc exists and is in operation; we didn't elect them and more importantly, we won't be able to vote them out. We get what the Uniparty & swamp have decided in the backroom deals they want and apparently, they want to destroy us. As Lenin said, "I will crush the bourgeoisie by grinding them between the millstones of taxation and inflation."

      But keep repeating the modern Opiate of the Masses,
      Vooooote Haaarder

    5. Fox's 3/4 of BILLION check to Dominion, 27 minutes after the trial started, is proof that your claim is without merit.

    6. The judge would not let Fox show their evidence against Dominion.

  3. Inflation is not my fault don't blame me


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