
Wednesday, December 06, 2023

The Media And 2024: Will They Do Their Job?

The event of this past week that drew a great deal of attention was Fox’s Sean Hannity hosting a debate between the Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis and California’s Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom.

One of the striking features of this face-off was the regularity with which the two governors accused each other of lying. Which raises an obvious couple of questions.  Where is the media? And will the media do their job in 2024?


  1. Do their job the way that the framers of the Constitution envisioned it or do their job the way they have been brainwashed by the universities and their paymasters? The answer is probably "No, Yes'

  2. The media won't TALK about lying.
    They'll DO the lying.

  3. I wouldn't hold my breath, nor ever trust, ANY media to comment on the color of a traffic light.
    HA ! They'll never be trusted EVER again...for anything ! They've sold out LOOONG ago.
    It's up to the average Guy/Gal to have spiritual discernment to recognize truth/Lie...then act accordingly.

  4. "Will They Do Their Job?"
    Is that a trick question?

    In the immortal words of Obama advisor Ben Rhodes, the mainstream press are know-nothings and are little more than propaganda amplifiers.
    For once, somebody in Obama's White House got something right.

  5. We need more honest, non-partisan journalists like Woodward & Bernstein.

    1. Bernstein was no journalist. He was / is a CIA hack placed in media.

    2. Neither of the two were good journalists. Both of them were DNC party hacks.

  6. Do their job or not.
    They have tossed out the only product they had or sale. Trust.

  7. lol the “media.”

    1. 'cause they're moderately only medium level mediocre. (futz joe biden)

  8. In this case, past performance may be indicative of future results.

  9. "will the media do their job in 2024?" You're kiddin' right? Not an effg chance.

    They've got the propaganda machine running balls out already and have for the whole of 2023. The latest shtick is "Trump is going to declare himself dictator and never leave office".

    The reason they're pushing this is because THAT'S THEIR PLAN.

    Imagine Bribem as Resident for life. Think it's bad now?

    We ain't seen nothin' yet.


  10. As one immortal recently opined: "you don't hate journalists nearly enough".


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