
Thursday, December 07, 2023

Union job

DETROIT, Mich. (FOX 2) - A Detroit Department of Transportation driver racked up 19 crashes on the job, including 2 fatalities, during her 26-year tenure as a bus driver. 

She has also received several write-ups for reckless driving.


  1. Dare I say it? What if she were white?

  2. After seeing her picture , we know why they didn't fire her.

  3. A union job is like being in Congress: you are never held responsible for your screwups.

    1. I don't know about that. When I worked out at the ammo plant (Machinist's Union) I was getting suspended on a regular basis for a while and was fired once.
      At the warehouse (Teamster's) I was constantly written up and suspended twice. They were walking out at least one employee a week the entire 25 years I worked there, never to return.

    2. I got fired from a Teamsters union job. That was a complete set up. Still, the union did squat for me. In fact, they believed the employer. Without proof, because there was none because the charge that I was stealing was 100% false.

      One man in management (mgmt the eternal foe of unions) did not like me. He devised the plot to trap me. Union swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. Strange bedfellows.

  4. Geraldine, when asked to comment about her "peculiar" vehicular operating said: "The Devil made me do it!"

    1. I see what you did there bogside "flip" bunny... :-)

  5. Guess the race posting? - Nemo

  6. I knew a guy who drove Metro busses in DC. Multiple DUI accidents on the job, and the Union always helped him keep his job and drivers license.

  7. Probably retire with an award and the key to the city.

  8. She's screaming while she's still driving - instead of hitting the brakes and stopping.

  9. I have helped manage fleet drivers. How did they keep their insurance with her record? How did the DOT continue to let her be issued a CDL license? This story has some missing facts.

  10. I'm curious what the percentage of race her victims were... the two shown were both white.

  11. I guess she is the right color code.


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