
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

American Conservatism First

Charles Kesler’s essay “National Conservatism vs. American Conservatism” asks a crucial question that has been a theme of his work for some time: Where is America in your conservatism? This is the key question for anyone who would preserve the American constitutional order in the face of progressivism’s seemingly never-ending, always mutating onslaught against our limited framework of government.


  1. Whenever I hear the word conservatism my mind flashes back to Rush Limbaugh saying Liberalism, not conservatism. is the human default ideology. I'm thinking all of us here are conservatives, but I look at the educational system, government agencies like the DOJ, CIA & FBI and think we're all like Sisyphus rolling that boulder.

  2. Well, deep in the heart of Texas, our conservatism leans toward secession. And we hope the South comes with us.


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