
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Arc Light - just one Arc Light



  1. Every year, problem solved.

    Todd, near Denver,

  2. Arc Light. 3 cells of 3 B-52s; each with 102 x 500 pounders. I'm not doing math this evening, I'm tired. But for certain, whatever was there isn't anymore.
    Original Grandpa

  3. One little boom toy would give them all the virgins they believe in .... We don't need to dance in the streets or celebrate after like they do ... We are a civilized people ... They celebrate our death , we don't , what's the problem about giving them what they want ... They chant death to America , we are grateful for life and don't waste our time chanting death to pisslam .... That's all the difference you need to know about being civilized and/or being a hateful murderous savage ... ... Seems to me/us like that line in the sand is pretty damn obvious .. Am I wrong ??

  4. Damn - what do they do when they have to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW ?

    1. They go. Then and there. why dya think they wear those loose pajama/nightshirts everywhere.

  5. A Fat Man dropped on that chunk of rock might not solve a lot of problems...but it would put a smile on a lot of faces. Yes, including mine.

    1. As Sergeant Hulka said, "Lighten up, Francis." More than 24.1% of the world's population is Muslim, with an estimated total of approximately 1.9 billion.

    2. And just like termites, if you don't keep them under control, they'll infest and destroy your home.

    3. That 24% follows a pedophile prophet in a cult that defines women as property and gays as something to be eradicated.

      islam has been at war with civilization for 1400 years. The stated goal in their instruction manual is complete world domination, and they are supposed to lie to the infidels in pursuit of that goal.

      Every person on the planet must convert or submit, according to them.

      You could look it up, but don't believe what moslem supporters say - see sentence #3 above.

      Believe what they do. On Oct 7 they burned babies alive in their cribs.

    4. I say...drill down on that kaaba...every half hour until the crater is 1000 feet deep and glowing for a hundred years..

  6. That's 0.1% of them. On the other hand, there are 745,000,000 white people on earth. They outnumber us three to one. Just something to ponder...

  7. Imagine the smell. 9yr old pussy mixed with 5yr old boy asshole and goat shit. Destroying that rock would be the best and final nail in the musloid coffin, and the worlds average IQ would jump by two decimal points.

  8. Tsar Bomba - go big or go home.

    1. George, TSAR BOMBA was a one-off, but you have the right idea. If it was deployable, the bonus would be 50+mT would eliminate all of Mecca. Among our current stockpile, I think a W88 would do quite nicely. 475kT would be sufficient. Easily deployed from any TRIDENT boat in, say, Indian Ocean.

  9. If they out number us three to one that is three bullets apiece. Hell I can do that with loose ammo in my console. Very short war if we go hot.

  10. As soon as the festivities are done, many will rush back to the EU for their free "gibs".

  11. The things you see when you don't have a BLU-82 (Daisy Cutter)

    Steve L.

  12. That should fix it.

  13. "...Puff! The Magic Dragon...Lives by the sea...."


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