
Monday, April 08, 2024

Commentary: The Unattainable American Dream

Get married, have children, buy a house, and live comfortably on a single income. Not very long ago, that path was the reality, the norm, for the great American middle class. 

But America has gone backward in this regard, and struggling citizens know it all too well. Experiencing the kinds of lives enjoyed by our parents and grandparents has become impossible for most Americans, leading to widespread disenchantment and a palpable loss of patriotism and confidence in America.


  1. Who says it's out of reach?

  2. The strategy of the progressive elites is very simple if you're a critical thinker, AKA: conspiracy theory person. "Feed 'em enough bread & circuses, scare 'em with climate change and wars bullshit, divide 'em with racism and dilute 'em with millions of 3rd world slime and they won't notice the erosion of their lifestyles".

  3. Well thank God we’re importing millions of browns and blacks to enrich America

  4. It is that Americans love comfort too much. Need 2 salaries for that. Women would rather work for some other man than her husband because she is a "stronk, independent wahmen who don't need no man." Then, when her eggs are dried up and she has hit the wall, her odds of finding that man to provide for her drops precipitously. Enjoy your cats, ladies. American men are going to Columbia and other places for better standard of living and women who actually want to be women.

    1. Americans are very materialistic now and those 2 incomes are needed. We want McMansions with more bathrooms than residents, and a mass hypnosis TV screen in every room. A big garage with 2 or more cars. And we want it now. The affluence created by previous generations fueled this, and fueled liberalism also. A single income family usually can't afford all that.

    2. Anonymous @ 11.16
      I don't totally agree, I grew up middle class in a blue collar neighborhood. My mother, along with all of my friends and relatives moms, was a stay at home cook, clean and raise the children parent while dad worked... We had 2 cars, well a car and pick up truck, a 2 car garage, 3 bedroom 2 bathroom home on a very large lot in the suburbs... We went on a couple family vacations a year and we were comfortable, not rich, all of my friends and classmates lived in a similar situation....
      The changes, the way I see it was the massive increases in taxes driving up costs of living along with thousands of federal regulations intruding in businesses slowed down our economy and this continues to kill the American dream.... Government has never helped working people better their lives only the lazy useless POS

    3. To add, my father was the generation that was forced to learn to speak English in school, again government sticking its nose where it's not needed or wanted, and left school in the 6th grade, fortunately he was really good at math, to go work for his father on an ice truck route..

  5. Horse hockey. This isn't true, and is based upon a vision of "the good old days" that didn't exist in the way it is being portrayed.

  6. Millions of immigrants should help.

  7. Get married? From the videos I've been watching lately no girls want that. They prefer to wait at the finish line for their 6-6-6 (6 figure income, 6 ft tall, 6" dick). Here I am 5-5-10.

  8. Most dreams now days are unattainable

  9. That program in kalifornicated is for tonks (illegal aliens). U.S. Citizens need not apply....

  10. And now Gen X/Y/Z hate the Boomers for being lucky enough to have been born into that life.


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