
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

I'm seeing a new TikTok Challenge here



  1. New challenge: Prove you're not a child. Place a plastic bag marked, 'Keep away from children' tightly over your head for at least ten minutes.

  2. Speaking of Tic-Tok: regarding the "Oh, I was just hit in the face while walking in NYC" chicks,
    after the first few, how many are now copycats trying to be attention hoes?
    Enquiring minds and shit.....


  3. I'm seeing a solid indication of a fucking ignorant, albeit diverse, inclusive equitable society.

  4. Gen Z: Challenge accepted.

  5. Some dipshit immigrant from Buttfukistan will ***successfully*** sue, after ingesting, because "Warning wasn't in my language". Amerika 2024. And totally dumbshit juries.

  6. When I was in 8th grade one of the local stoners died by freezing his larnx inhaling PAM (the stuff you spray on frying pans) and suffocating. All the stoners and hippies went into mourning and I remember thinking "that guy wasn't going to make it anyway".

  7. I recall hearing: "Take the warning labels off of everything and let natural selection do its thing."

  8. I'm more tempted by the Silica Gel packets. There has to be a reason they all say 'Do Not Eat'.

  9. I've cooked meat before not knowing that paper that'spongy was in it .And first turkey 45 yrs ago had its inards cooked inside the turkey.. I've come a long way baby


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