
Monday, April 08, 2024

Layoffs Surge to 14-Month High as Inflation Crushes Employers

The number of people laid off from American companies reached the highest point since January 2023, according to data from outplacement firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. 

American employers cut 90,309 employees in March, 7 percent higher than the 84,638 employees laid off in February and higher than the 82,307 positions cut in January, according to a report from Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc. The layoffs are in contrast to seemingly strong job gains, which totaled 275,000 in February, while the unemployment rate ticked up to 3.9 percent.


  1. We need more illegals!

  2. But, but the jobs report, but the economy is great. What a clown show Biden is.

  3. This in contrast to the fantastic jobs report the fed released last week. The one where they didn't mention over 40% of the jobs created were in the government.

    1. Also not mentioned was how almost one and a half million full time jobs have been lost while almost 2 million part time jobs were added, or how U.S. born citizens are being replace by illegals. Lower pay and no benefits...guess that's another reason wall street's doing well.

    2. And every additional part time job someone takes on counts as an additional person employed, even though they're already employed elsewhere. Ignore the BLS report and pay attention to the household survey (which doesn't double count people with multiple part time jobs). It's far more realistic.

    3. Wait two months BLS will revise the March numbers down like they had for 5 of the last 6 months

  4. The crash is upon us.

    Anybody notice that mail is now devoid of advertising of all shapes and forms?

    I had 3 pieces of mail in the last week, bills and a package the old lady ordered.

    Nobody cuts advertising until it's the last step before personnel cuts, how else would they get new business?

  5. I still get a bunch of Leaf Filter ads each week.

  6. Ever notice how much faster shit rotates in the vortex at the bottom of the toilet bowl? That's our country and global economies just before the completely disappear.


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