
Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Mandated gun insurance bill passes in Colorado

Insurance is one of the most profitable industries worldwide pulling in trillions of dollars annually in the U.S., yet Democrats have found a way to make it more profitable in Colorado. 

Under a bill passed Saturday night when the Constitution was apparently sleeping, the state House decided gun owners must also buy insurance policies in case their weapon discharges accidently.


  1. Car insurance: EVERYBODY has to have it.
    In Colorado insurance companies are REQUIRED to offer extra insurance in case you get hit by somebody who does NOT have insurance.
    In other words: you have to have insurance unless you don't want it.
    Oh, and of course, ILLEGALS in Colorado can get drivers licenses.

  2. Sure sounds like ‘infringement’ to me.

  3. Let's assume that this new fascist, law is extra-constitutional, where are all the good, God fearing, gun-toting, MAGA types who are constantly making noise about "muh rights"?
    Nobody is coming to save them, so shit or get off the pot.


  4. Gun insurance? The NRA has already seen that as an opportunity to add to their coffers.

  5. Yeah insure this and that,then often haved to fight when you try to claim

  6. Has yet to pass the Senate and get signed by the guv. There's also a "papieren bitte" provision in it. Anyone interested can read:

  7. Show me an insurance company that will actually pay a claim that involves the policyholder committing a "crime". If your gun is involved in a shooting you stand a good chance in Commie Colorado of being charged with a crime.

    Which is why most CCW insurance policies are bullshit. If you need the policy it's because you are probably facing charges and insurers don't indemnify against criminal acts.. If you aren't facing charges you are less likely to need such insurance. It's a win/win for insurers. They get to bill and receive premiums but make no pay outs.

  8. This is how they plan to ban gun ownership. Not many companies would offer coverage and it=f you live in a Commie influenced state such as WA, the asswipe State Insurance Commissioner closed down one of the few companies offering insurance.
    He said it was illegal for insurance companies to cover illegal acts. The insurance in question specifically would not pay if you were found guilty of a crime.

  9. Don't care what laws our common criminals masquerading as representatives pass. It wont be the only un-Constitutional law I ignore.

    1. The new 'rule of law' is don't get caught. Fuck em

  10. Weapons do not discharge accidently by themselves. Example: Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger.

  11. A significant portion of the Colorado populace spent decades ignoring drug laws. I predict the same thing will happen here.


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