
Tuesday, April 09, 2024

Tennessee bill could impose death penalty for child rape, raising testimony concerns

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — A new bill in the Tennessee legislature would make the death penalty a possible punishment for rape of a child. 

The bill's sponsor, Representative William Lamberth, wants the crime to be punished more severely.


  1. I hope this applies to female pedophiles as well. I'm all about equal rights. Equal rights also means equal punishment.

  2. That works but only if it has a short timeframe between the trial and execution. Otherwise release them out in general population.

  3. If this law works like the rest of the death penalties the child rape victim will be on social security before the blood sucking lawyers have drained every single shekel out of the appeal system.

    1. Sadly, I am in agreement with your assessment. Why have countless appeals for anything, really? I am of the opinion that appeals should be limited when there is overwhelming evidence proves guilt.I mean after all, if the lawyers don't do their jobs properly the first time, then those lawyers should be suspended from practicing law without financial renumeration for an extended time, and the next lawyer appointed to correct the former barristers lack of skill and fortitude on behalf of the accused.

  4. I can see the groomers in public education/prosecutors/judges turning this against the parents. You can get a five year old to say yes to anything if you ask the right questions.

    1. Yup!  But I also understand there is no rehabilitating someone with that mental health problem, so what are we going to do?

    2. Judy, i believe anony was suggesting that the pedo teachers will convince kids to give false testimony against parents


    3. And I am agree with him.  When I was a foster parent, we had to be extra careful about how we asked clarifying questions when a child revealed something. We didn't want to skew, contaminate, or embellish anything they said.
      And my comment still stands: there is no rehabilitating someone like that, so how do we eliminate the creeps?

  5. Some ex-wives are smiling. They are always believed, no matter what they come up with (like democrats).

  6. Super dumb idea. The punishment is out of scale to the crime committed. No matter how traumatic the rape they committed was, the victim did not lose their life, and it’s out of proportion to take the offender’s life as punishment.

    I’m totally fine with having someone rape THEM (often, repeatedly) as punishment…but I can’t support a death penalty for something that did involve the taking of a life.

    1. Moot point. Supreme Court has already ruled on this. No death penalty for rape not involving death.

    2. anon@7:03pm
      "the victim did not lose their life..." Yeah, fuck that sentiment. The victim may not be dead but they have lost a life. Their life to live free of the trauma their victimization.

      I have some rather strong feelings about what should be done to child molesters but polite company generally feels ill when I bring up what I believe should happen to them so I'll spare the readers at large from the details. Suffice to express there is zero chance of recidivism.


    3. I 100% support killing pedos.

  7. South Carolina already enables the death penalty for sexual abuse/rape of children under 11. Good luck getting it though. I know someone serving 3 consecutive life sentences for three kids (no penetration). He could have been executed and they failed to do it.

  8. It gives the molester every incentive to kill the kid. If he's going to face the death penalty anyway, the why not just kill the kid & eliminate the witness.

  9. If you have the death penalty for rape there is no reason for them to keep the victim alive, All this will lead to is more dead children, Best just to put them in an open prison and just turn your backs for ten minutes.

  10. If there is hard proof of the rape, I'm all for using the death penalty.
    However, haven't we also learned that kids' testimony is not very reliable? They are often coached to the point of being brainwashed by investigators. Children are good at make-believe and pretend. I hope there are some really hard guardrails on how child witnesses are treated.

    1. I am remined of a friend's son who was charged with rape when he turned 18 by the father of his 17 YO girlfriend who turned 18 two weeks later. He did go to jail briefly, did get put on probation and did get placed on a sex offender list for life. He married his girlfriend when she turned 18 and now some 30 years later that "father" never saw his grand kids before he died just recently. Various women's groups have turned "rape" into something most of us would never have thought was rape. Should this young man have been killed for his "crime"? Should he have been placed in open prison to be killed by criminals?

    2. Anon@10:17 The article states "It would apply to child victims between the ages of 8 and 13."
      I don't know why the lower limit is 8 years of age.

  11. All these new laws suddenly when crime in democrat states is at a all time high. DNA test is the only way to prove along with the victim being smart enough to get a rape kit along with all info from kit to keep on file just in case its misplaces or shoved in a corner in some evidence building the size of grand canyon.


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