
Monday, April 15, 2024

Words Aren't Enough

With Trump seeming to be unbeatable in the 2024 election, the Democrats have begun a scorched-earth policy of laying landmines on every conceivable path he might take. Having declared that he would fire a great many bureaucrats, they’re working on making that much harder to do. The lawfare they’ve invested millions of dollars to prosecute is turning out to be a failed enterprise and like a cornered animal, they’re attacking everything Trump.


  1. Trump needs a Republican congress and senate ... pass a budget that reduces the bureaucracies and defunds the deep state.

    1. Needin' ain't gettin', Anon. BTW just for kickers John Kirby, the Sissy Admiral, blamed Trump for Iran's Attack on Israel

    2. See first post...

    3. I think the truly funny part is you actually believe that the Republicans would reduce the bureaucracies. When "R"'s are in power, they grow their pet bureaucracies, when D's are in power, they grow their pet bureaucracies.

    4. I believe he had that in his first few years and half of them stabbed him in the back!

  2. Planting rattlesnakes in desk drawers...

  3. Congress could be 100% republican in the senate and house. But you will still get democrat results because the "leadership" of the republicans (boner, ryan,mccarty, mchenry, mcjohnson, china mitch) are all democrats.

  4. This will explain a lot....

  5. "The Democrats are even pushing to make it legal for them to vote. That’s the reason they’re here, right?"

    Wrong. Is Israel killing food aid workers, because Gazans are too fat?

    "That’s why they’re given every advantage paid for by those citizens who have jobs and have their taxes taken out to pay the bill for the freeloaders."

    Genociding "those citizens" is the point. To quote the meme, "Always was." And if you insist the rest of us, all, deny your own lying eyes... you will not be missed.


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