
Friday, May 31, 2024

China Cracks Down

China’s Xi Jinping is building on the covid surveillance state to tighten the Communist Party’s control on the Chinese people. The New York Times reports:

The wall in the police station was covered in sheets of paper, one for every building in the sprawling Beijing apartment complex. Each sheet was further broken down by unit, with names, phone numbers and other information on the residents.

Perhaps the most important detail, though, was how each unit was color-coded. Green meant trustworthy. Yellow, needing attention. Orange required “strict control.”

Xi’s system relies on the police, of course, but also, and maybe more importantly, on civilians spying on one another:


  1. "Xi’s system relies on the police, of course, but also, and maybe more importantly, on civilians spying on one another..." 'Sounds like the Democrat party of the United States...

  2. It is so wrong when the average citizen spies on their friends and neighbours but it happens in many places

  3. I am wondering if China has offered a job to Alvin Bragg yet.
    Oh, what are you saying?
    He has a job already?
    Gotit. He works for China.

  4. History has proven time and time again the Chinese people tolerate quite a bit before they break; and this is on the average of every seventy-five to one hundred years for the last three thousand years. Unfortunately for the upper echelon, it always means they are the ones exterminated by the people - and usually their entire bloodline.

    1. And this is why the CCP's #1 priority is to retain control.

  5. Coming soon to a town near you.

  6. Holy crap. China is getting as bad as the US.


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