
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Commentary: 2024 Is America’s Last Chance to End the Obama-Biden Anti-American Revolution

Given the realities of the past three years of the Biden Administration, this article expands on the thesis we have made in these pages that the American presidential election of 2024 will be the most important since 1860. That is not hyperbole, but a recognition of the grave conditions the American people face—these are matters of life and death for the country. Like in 1860, the election on November 5, 2024, will determine the course of history and whether or not the United States survives as a constitutional republic. While the deep roots of this crisis have been many decades in the making, the immediate causes are found in the Biden administration’s unconstitutional, illegal, reckless, and revolutionary actions against President Trump, his advisors, the leaders and supporters of the Make America Great Again movement—and ultimately the American people.


  1. There are 3 elements in the see-saw political saga we have to consider: 1-Inflexable Democrats who hate Trump...2-inflexable Republicans who want to play fair... 3- People who don't give a shit either way because they're happy playing with their instant gratification toys and believe life will go on the way it is forever.

    1. You did not mention the 4th group. Those of us that fed up with all the bullshit and ready for it all to burn the hell down.

    2. @ Charlie
      well...I guess there's a Fifth Group
      Those of us that fed up with the bullshit and ready to burn it the hell down.

    3. 6th group. Them who are trying to get 4th and 5th off their dead asses and onto their dying feet.

  2. DC has become a haven for criminals sworn to destroy the USA while enriching themselves.

  3. To clarify: Last chance to end it peacefully. After that, it goes kinetic.

    1. This. Communism doesn't and can't last. the only question we're deciding is how long and bloody the revolution will be.

    2. 100% correct. And at this point, I kinda wouldn’t mind if it wasn’t peaceful. A lot of harm has been inflicted on good and decent people over the last few years by bad people who’ve sought out positions of authority over them. And Karma dictates that those bad people should get what they’ve earned, rather than simply be let off the hook with a change in administrations. They’ve hurt a lot of people, and that hurt needs to come back to them and their families.

  4. The 1860 election was concluded in 1865....tyranny won, supported by a mass of gullible imbeciles in love with their chains.

    1. Bingo. All other strategies or conclusions are just mental masturbation.

    2. Word. Given the choice between liberty and sandwiches, the American Sheeple will choose sandwiches. Sad that.

    3. Which is why we need to interrupt the steady flow of sandwiches, so as to get people good and mad.

  5. We haven't been a 'Constitutional Republic' for quite some time. To get nit picky - arguably, at least since US Senators got elected by popular election, instead of per The Constitution. Then there's The Fed; IRS; etc., etc. And you're correct - tyranny absolutely won. We'll pay for it, though.

    Y'all take care,

  6. People acting like Trump didn't win in a landslide last time and thinking it's somehow gonna be different this time even though nothing's been done to fix the problem.

  7. Wasn't it a good republican that got the Patriot Act passed? It's not a person, it's a mechanized system.


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