
Monday, May 27, 2024

Commentary: Memorial Day’s Forgotten History

In the years following the bitter Civil War, a former Union general took a holiday originated by former Confederates and helped spread it across the entire country.

The holiday was Memorial Day, an annual commemoration was born in the former Confederate States in 1866 and adopted by the United States in 1868. It is a holiday in which the nation honors its military dead.

Gen. John A. Logan, who headed the largest Union veterans’ fraternity at that time, the Grand Army of the Republic, is usually credited as being the originator of the holiday.

Yet when General Logan established the holiday, he acknowledged its genesis among the Union’s former enemies, saying, “It was not too late for the Union men of the nation to follow the example of the people of the South.”


  1. General Lee wrote to a woman after the war to bury all ill will and to remember that we are all Americans.

    1. We tried, but we keep getting reminded that we are consided racistsexisthomophobicbackwardhitetrash.

  2. I walked into the Mclean House at Appomattox. To the left a set of dutch doors with the top opened. In a parlor were several wax figures. Two were Grant and Lee. Both seated at opposite desks. The claim all decor in the room is exactly as it was April 9, 1865. I looked in and I went numb. The hair stood on my neck. My first thought, this is where the killing ended. That was a great article.

  3. And how was our goodwill repaid to us 160 years later? They tore down our statues, renamed everything connected to the Confederacy, and desecrated the graves of our fallen. Fuck the north and fuck liberals.

    1. Yup. I live 20 miles outside of Ft. Hood - now known as Ft. Cavazos. Fuck em.

    2. i agree the goodwill was not repaid in kind. but i am sure general lee knew that would happen. even so he thought to wait and hope for the best was the only way. i suggest looking at that letter from robert e lee.

  4. The War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity perpetrated by the supposedly "righteous Christian" North have yet to be acknowledged or answered for.

  5. My Grandson goes to JA Logan Jr. College at Carterville Il. Nice school


  7. Boalsburg PA claims to be the original start of Decoration Day in 1864.
    And it might have been, in the North.


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