
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Illegal Immigration Under Biden Contributes to Housing Shortage, Experts Say

The surge of illegal immigration under President Joe Biden has exacerbated an already costly housing market for average Americans by worsening a shelter shortage, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The U.S. currently has an estimated shortage of 4 million to 7 million homes as developers struggle to keep up with demand amid harsh financial conditions and burdensome regulatory processes, according to Pew Charitable Trusts. Average Americans looking for a home are being squeezed by rising housing costs due to inflation and elevated mortgage rates, but the recent influx of illegal immigrants is putting even more stress on the system by aggravating the current shortage of supply in the housing market at a rate that developers can’t keep up with, according to experts who spoke to the DCNF.


  1. Nonstop mass foreign imminvasion has also driven up rents because ever-skyrocketing demand drives up the cost of supply.

  2. BS story, if they would have said Hotel rooms it would be believable. No shortage of illegals though, we just need to find a purpose for them other than as parasitic demo voaters...soylent food stuff perhaps.

    1. Fertilizer maybe, food no.

      There are enough taco trucks around already.

      If there are 6 illegal families per home, how many need to be chipped to get back to a reasonable house price?

    2. Look up Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. The Kenyans program to bribe local zoning boards to build these apartment monstrosities of which you speak in return for making them section 8 housing. Never mind that when occupied the apartment populations overwhelm the local schools and infrastructure. It’s the housing plan for the illegal invasion we’re seeing now.

  3. Have you noticed apartment complexes over the past few years? You can turn around without running into a new 500 unit monstrosity.

  4. We do NOT have a housing shortage.
    If we did our benevolent government would NEVER bring in millions of illegals.


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