
Friday, May 31, 2024

The Administration Knows A Major Terror Attack Is Coming, And It Is Going To Let It Happen

A couple of weeks ago two men drove up to the main gate of Quantico Marine Base in a box truck. They asked to be admitted. They said they were working for a company contracted to Amazon. They were directed to a holding area while their story was checked out.


  1. I think "let it happen" is underselling the evil that is our federal government. "fund it, help plan it, and send our men as support to make sure it happens, while covering up things afterwards and making sure only the approved story gets into the media." is much more accurate.

    After all, that's what they did the last few dozen times.

  2. No dry runs in Mannheim today, though.

  3. They think the country will rally round. It won't. Failing that, they'll try to impose martial law. That won't work, either.

    In the immortal words of Isoroku Yamamoto, "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass", and that is why they'll never win.

  4. Young male Chinks and other nationals coming across the southern border in large numbers. When, not if, Bite Me declares martial law it'll be the result of a preplanned, staged major attack. Then you're gonna see thousands upon thousands rounded up by the military and put in concentration camps guarded by ANTIFA Kapos with no restraints. It's gonna make the holocaust look like a Sunday school picnic and there ain’t gonna be no June 6, 1944 to save the day.

    1. Geez, dude. You're damping my buzz. On a lighter note, Russia just launched 11 Nuke subs into the Atlantic in response to "our" government authorizing the Ukes to use US long range weapons deep into Russia, which is a declaration of war.

  5. I can tell you without fear or favor that the defensive/security perimeters of various Military and Defense indusry installations have been getting probed for a while now.

  6. The Biden Administration, DHS, FBI and Main stream media all tell us there are "NO THREATS !"

    Hundreds, if not thousands, of "UNVETTED" muslims, ISIS, Hamas, Syrians, Afghans, Pakistanis, Iraqis, Iranians, Hezbollah and various African muslims entered illegally.

    There are numerous active threats endangering US Citizens and communities.
    ~The feckless FBI will tell us about it "AFTER" the major incidents and loss of lives.

  7. Read Kurt Schlichter's "The Attack". In my mind, it doesn't matter if it's hamass, hezbollah, the chinese, MS-13 or whoever, there are an awful lot of bad guys who'd love to do something to us and livestream it like hamass did in Israel on Oct. 7th. I can't see anything to stop any of these groups from doing it, hell it could be our own .gov inviting the UN in to "pacify" someone here they don't like. Keep your powder dry and bangsticks ready to go like the Minutemen of aulde.
    Just a Random Guy

  8. Terrorists save them the trouble of having to find (or create) a Marius van der Lubbe.
    --Tennessee Budd

  9. For the Naval bases, put the Marines back on the gates, Back in the 80's I would have loved to see a gate crasher.

  10. Want these attempts to diminish? Shoot them when you catch them. All of them. Won't take long for word to get out. Then only the most fanatical ones will think about trying. Or course the criminal left won't allow that.

    1. Amen, Brother! Maybe take a page from "Blackjack" Pershing. Dip the bullets in pig blood and toss a couple of pig corpses in the grave with them.


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