
Friday, May 31, 2024

What, y'all don't know how to pluck a chicken?

The clucking nuisance of about 100 feral chickens has left residents of a Norfolk village spitting feathers, with locals claiming the birds destroy their gardens and keep them awake. 

Dwellers in Snettisham, Norfolk, have said their life is being made “hell” as the chickens swarm in from a nearby wood. It is unclear who owns the land the chickens live on, but villagers believe numbers have soared recently.


  1. a few feral cats(neutered of course, so they don't become an over populated problem) will soon take care of both the chickens and the rats.

  2. Free eggs. Free chicken for the stew pot. What's wrong with these people? They're given a blessing and deem it a curse.

  3. Time to open the new Falconry training center.

  4. Just in case they might need help:


    1. My wife's family lived out in the country after he was discharged from the army after WWII. They raised chickens for the meat and eggs, and he decided to build his own chicken plucker. It was a motor, pulleys, and a board with bicycle inner tubes. The idea was that the inner tubes would scrub the feathers off of the chicken. It kind of worked, but it also beat the poor bird carcass to bits.

  5. Free chow. However, you have to get off your ass and do something. Not a thing like ordering chicken and having it delivered to your door like I guess people do nowadays.

  6. Don’t worry, Biden’s handlers have deemed bird flu as the next pandemic. They’ll spend a billion having them euthanized. In a very humane manner of course.

  7. Couldn't pluck a chook if my life depended on it, my mum could and did kill and plug chooks as a child growing up in the country.

  8. And in England, silencers for PCP (and other) air rifles are cheap and OTC.
    John in Indy

  9. I saw an article about feral chickens in Hawaii. They had a government program to exterminate the., only cost around $100 per bird....... they "hoped" to get it under $70. Meanwhile, people in Florida get hunter's to Pay to go on iguana hunts....

  10. here it is.


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