
Friday, June 28, 2024

Analysis: Americans Say 2024 Race is About the Issues Not Candidates Puts Biden at a Sharp Disadvantage

The mainstream media is running with the headline that the latest Fox News poll shows Former President Trump two points behind President Joe Biden – a difference well within the margin of error – but the poll also reveals an edge for Trump on a majority of electoral issues. In addition, a majority of voters say the race in November will be about the issues, not about the candidates, a finding that could significantly favor Trump.


  1. Declare the 2020 election fraudulent, Trump the winner in 2020. Trump now ineligible for third time win in 2024.
    Unless Barry Obama gets to run again, too. And Bill Clinton, Shrub Bush...
    FJB admin Hail Mary play, maybe come back next season...

  2. It's not what answers the polled give, but who compiles the results


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