
Wednesday, June 19, 2024

And its pronouns are?

The Humane Society of Central Oregon (HSCO) has welcomed an amazing little fellow: Cinder, a tiny one-pound kitten who is a very rare male tortoiseshell cat and hermaphrodite! 

HSCO said Cinder the tortoiseshell was brought to their facility as part of a relinquished litter, and based on his coat color and external genitalia he was believed to be female. He was sent to a foster home and named Cindi.


  1. Not quite sure what to make of this, on one had I would like to believe the "professionals" and on the other, I know from my work supporting vet hospitals, the sex of kittens is quite often ambiguous and often different than first thought. So, is it a common case of misidentification or a true XXY?

  2. It's Oregon. They're all that way. By law.


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