
Friday, June 21, 2024

And the media thought the Tide Pod Challenge was dangerous...

Two teens in Florida were arrested after participating in a social media challenge where they kicked in people’s doors. 

Over the last two weeks, the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office investigated four reports of individuals walking up to a home during early morning hours and kicking the door, sometimes causing it to fly open.


  1. "Sheriff Al Nienhuis. “First, there was a very good possibility that these young men could have been shot and killed by a homeowner lawfully defending the household. Second, if this occurred, the homeowner would have been burdened with the fact he or she killed two teenagers who were participating in a stupid activity.”
    I dunno about the second part, since it would be more like cleaning up the neighborhood AND the gene pool at the same time!

    1. Exactly.
      Steve S6

    2. I wouldn't be burdened by shit.

      FAFO, Play stupid games-Win stupid prizes, whatever clever saying you want to assign it. I'm proudly sociopathic that way.


  2. I'm surprised more 'teens' haven't taken up the TikTok challenge started by 17 year old rapper Rylo Huncho of Virginia.
    You know the one, where he's flipping his pistol with the cool flashlight and laser on, last words were, "Fuck Y'all Nigga" before pointing the pistol at his head and pulling the trigger.
    Thought fo' sho that wuuda caught on, taking the U S by storm.

  3. Media tells kids to do stupid and dangerous stuff, and guess what, they do.
    Media tells adults to do stupid and dangerous stuff, and guess what, they vote for democrats.

  4. That would be terrifying to have your front door kicked in. It's easy to picture a resident shooting the goofs.

    1. Yeah. Ask that Malinowski guy in Little Rock.
      Oh, yeah. Right...
      (BTW, his shooting was ruled "Justifiable." Big Surprise. )

  5. I refuse to believe this is a harmless stunt organized online.
    This smells like a criminal act set up with the façade of an innocent prank, as now the perps will kick in doors and either commit home invasions and robberies..... "oh, it is just an internet prank, my bad."
    The next "innocent" fad will be to shoot at cops or rob banks.

  6. The kids get shot and the parents would say we need gun control.

  7. Let's see. The "Kids" (or is it 'youts') set off the motion detector approaching my house.
    It's late and alerted and hearing voices outside I open the lockbox and arm myself.
    I'm probably picking up the phone to call 911 when the door flies open with a loud bang.

    Never happen. Solid doors, with deadbolts. Anyone who gets inside made an determined effort. Once before, many many years ago, I forgot to lock the door and was sitting in the living room in my underwear when someone opened the front door and just walked in. Never again.

    1. What's a lockbox?

    2. Perhaps in your state it is not required to secure your guns with lock and key inside your own home.
      In Masshole, it is.
      If you prefer to leave a gun sitting on the middle of the coffee table, well who's to know?
      Except that sometimes the unexpected happens, and just for instance, a month after the vac I suffered a mild heart attack. The EMT's entered and the local police roll with them.
      Every gun was inside a locked compartment, so no problemo.

      The lockbox is in the family room, 9mm and reloads. Keyed, since I don't want to trust to battery powered tech in a crisis.

  8. used to live in philly. anyone dumb enough to kick in someone's door was just asking to be shot. I kept a semi auto shotgun by my chair loaded with 2 rounds of buckshot and the rest slugs just in case. one night on the back deck I heard assholes trying to climb the fence
    just racked the pump shotgun and they left soon enough after yelling "don't shoot"
    so glad I not there anymore.

  9. That'll get you a free shallow grave courtesy of Kubota at my place.



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