
Monday, June 24, 2024

Butt stuff

There are ways to solve a nation’s problem with drugs. As Saddam Hussein once remarked, wherever there’s a problem, there’s a person. Thus, every leader who has solved these problems goes after the people behind them. Chairman Mao solved China’s opium crisis overnight by rounding up all the dealers for execution and the addicts for political reeducation, for example.


This is why it’s terrific to see that America is producing serious thinkers capable of grasping practical solutions to our national drug crisis like giving the addicts free kits for sticking the drugs up their asses once injecting their arms gets to be too troublesome.


  1. Recently I saw a clip of of Judge Judy talking of the impetus of stuff like this.
    All behavior has an underlying reason. Bad childhood, bad family life, addiction, and so on.

    But the bleeding hearts took those reasons for excuses. Excuses excuse away responsibility. You can't prosecute people for their crimes, it's not their fault. That thinking has become so absurd that addicts are given 'free' needles or pamphlets on how to be more careful in their criminal behavior.

  2. My opinion of the right thing to do conflicts with the laws of man.

  3. "The road to hell is paved with good intentions" especially when those good intentions come from complete idiots to complete morons!

  4. "Chairman Mao solved China’s opium crisis overnight by rounding up all the dealers for execution and the addicts for political reeducation, for example."
    Every time I go into the city, this makes more sense.

  5. There's probably not many readers here that haven't indulged or over indulged with booze or illegal drugs some time in their life. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to deal with this?

    1. Sorry, I can't help you. I've lived a clean wholesome life.

    2. Change your standards.

    3. yup. Targeting the booze dealers would really clean up the nation. Think of all the rape, violence, crime and accidental death avoided. The families and careers saved. Pickle them booze pushers in their own product and put them on display. Switch to psychedelics and enhance your mind.

  6. The Democrat's solution isn't that different from Mao's, with things a little flipped around. Flood the streets with fentanyl and you kill a lot of the addicts. Let states "normalize" and "decriminalize" drugs and give out needles, and you let the dealers become state employees.

    Maybe we allow only 2 doses of Narcan over someone's lifetime. Use those up, and goodnight.

  7. How about cheap revolvers and one bullet. Use one a day, until the urge is gone.

  8. Focus on treatment instead of punishment. Also, take drug dealing out of the CIA's hands, give it to regular businessmen.

    1. You're assuming the addicts want or would accept treatment. My experiences when I worked with the homeless as an advocate showed me they didn't.

    2. "Treatment" is fine. "Voluntary treatment" is a contradiction in terms. Check out what they do with street zombies in Afghanistan:

      It's not what you think. The Taliban are actually more humane, realistic and effective at dealing with this than we are. They don't do "voluntary"; they don't just let people wallow in their own filth and then pat themselves on the back for being so cool and non-uptight. They put people in treatment and get about 1/3 of them back.


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