
Friday, June 28, 2024

Democrats are now gagging to replace Biden

The left-wing media's 11th hour panic over President Joe Biden is laughable.

'God Help Us' read the headline of a New York Times article surveying the opinions of 12 columnists and contributors following Biden's catastrophic debate performance Thursday night. 

The least morbidly pessimistic remark of the bunch: 'This was a disaster.'

After months of refusing to acknowledge reality, the thundering drumbeat now coming from liberal America – from the fainting 'Gray Lady' to the most deluded redoubts of Biden defenders at MSNBC – is that weak and confused old Joe must resign from the race or Dems are doomed.

Well, I'm here to say: Sorry, Democrats. It's now too late to swap out for another candidate.


  1. So they are only now realising he is a dotting old fool

    1. No, they've know for at least twenty + years.

  2. Okay, hear me out. First, we have old kneepads get into a scuffle with some of those violent, MAGA, right wing extremists, see? But as the Secret Service bravely is whisking her away to a safe space, she suffers a traumatic head injury, right? Then, in a tearful, scripted, patriotic speech from her hospital bed, she regretfully resigns from office. You know, in a "take one for the team" kinda way. Then, as soon as his liver allows, we can dose Joe up again and have him appoint Hillary as the new VP. Then, just before the convention, Joe steps aside and Hillary becomes the first woman president!

    The next day she can appoint Newsome (or whoever else the CIA tells her to) as the new VP, and we're home free!

    Easy peezy!

    Hey, if the American public believed the 2020 election and January 6th, this is a cake walk.

    1. If I were Prez and Hillary was my Veep, I'd hire a food taster most quickly.

    2. She would only take the job with the understanding that FJB would be out of the way within 15 business days.

  3. A lot of federal employees should be in jail.

  4. If I remember, NJ Senator Lautenberg died just too late for the Dems to nominate a replacement. They nominated the replacement anyway, and won with no campaign.

  5. Democrats? The Law? The two don't go together.

  6. Note that the debate was held before the Democratic National Convention. They could nominate anyone they want, but that person won’t be on any ballot.

  7. The dems want congress to use the 25th amendment on Joe so that they will have a legitimate excuse to replace him on the ballot.

    1. And for once the GOP could sit back and say, "Oh, no! We're not gonna do this! He's your boy; you're stuck with him.

  8. They could just let Joe run but not fund much of a campaign and instead concentrate on winning the House and Senate to cripple a Trump presidency giving them time to find someone for 2028.

    Michael in Nelson

    1. Look at what the cat dragged in...

  9. <<<< But back then, presidential nominees were picked by power brokers in smoke-filled backrooms where favors were traded and fortunes were made.>>>>
    The only difference is that now the smoke, if there is any, is going to be from cannabis. And usually not, because most of them are alcoholics who are addicted to being angry, and cannabis would interfere with their always-on anger.

  10. In my humble and ig'nant opinion, I think that being President, and having the ego he has, that he would not go away quietly. Also, at this late in the game, any replacement would not have time to gain traction against Trump.

  11. I think they were using joe to get through the primaries so the voters could not pick a candidate. Then joe would step a side and the establishment would pick the candidate. Now joe will not step aside. They have prosecuted hunter but joe still stands. Joe knows whatever candidate the democrats pick will have the backing of the democrat election fraud machine. It worked for him once, why not again. Someone flipped a switch and told the media to dump joe instead of make everything he says the truth. I would not be surprised the establishment republicans try to kick joe out now instead of 3 years ago so the democrats have a better candidate to run against Trump.

  12. I'm certain the Dems will nominate Michelle O. She doesn't have a political record to question and her only baggage is Barrack himself. Only question is ... will Hillary let her live through the convention. Yeah, I'm a cynic.

    1. Well, there's a large block of schoolkids that are now old enough to vote, and I don't think they want her to do for the country what she did for the school lunch program, (without being asked and with no authority to do so).

    2. Nope. Ol' Mooch is way too lazy to accept that position. And besides, why do all that work while in the scrutiny of the public's spotlight when she can continue to be part of the power broker team, quietly raking in the cash and living the fat and easy life.

    3. Mike has no baggage? What about the junk in his trunk? /s

  13. No, let Joe stay, let him keep thinking that he was a legitimate and effective president. Let them distract themselves and remain divided.

  14. Best comment on this whole sordid mess.
    Joe Biden has done what the bull did in the china shop.
    He broke everything he touched and shit on the rest.

  15. I want to keep Biden. Michelle is the one that scares me. She'd get every black vote in the country and all the Democrats.

    1. It is not that she will get the black vote. It is the black people working in the election center will have not problem cheating for her.

  16. Joe and family will see the wisdom of him resigning, in exchange for blanket pardons for all of them.

    Whoreizontal Harris will become Pres., and issue them after the election. An election in which millions of women will dutifully vote for the V.

    60+% of women vote Dem, probably even more when the media driven Trump hatred is factored in. 99+% of the sheboons do. And more women vote than men, they'll fall all over themselves running to be in line to vote for her. Because girl power.

    The 19th Amendment was the worst of the bunch.

  17. This is an annoyingly naive article. It says "...America's leaders are picked by voters." No they aren't. That's how we got here in the first place.


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