
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Dr. Fauci says he still fears someone may kill him

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former chief White House medical adviser, said that he still fears someone may murder him one day.

“I still think, deep down, that there’s a possibility that somebody’s gonna kill me,” Fauci said in an interview with USA Today released Wednesday. “So, that’s a possibility I wish I didn’t have to think about, but it’s true.”


I can understand his concern.


  1. I wish my response could be a picture of Mousselini's end.

  2. Irving J ItchuballsJune 20, 2024 at 10:38 AM

    That would be way too good for that lying, grafting, corrupt, little Keebler elf SOB...he deserves a fair trial followed by life in prison in a supermax.....

    1. I believe there is a GOD. I believe his judgement will be just. I believe the sooner a scumbag finishes his Oklahoma air dance the sooner he finds out what eternal torment is. Long term torture or incarceration give them the chance to come to Christ. It's a tough decision, but the LORD says he desires that all people be saved.

  3. Well, when you are responsible for over a million people dying, he does have a point

    1. A million? He rivals Hitler Stalin Pol Pot and Mao in his death toll . He didn't just screw America.

  4. When you unscientifically coerce people by masking and distancing them in order for you to inject your poisonous bioweapon depopulation shot into them which has killed and maimed tens of millions of people, what do you expect?

  5. Dr. Fauci is a dedicated scientist who has been wrongfully blamed. He has served 7 presidents and the nation with honor.

    1. @Rocky you masked up, did the social distancing, and got vaxxed numerous times, didn't you?

    2. Irving J ItchuballsJune 20, 2024 at 12:27 PM

      You'd volunteer to be first in line to drink the Kool-Aid in Jonestown, Rocky.....

    3. I lost two friends to a horrible, slow death caused by the treatment regime that Fauci created for HIV and AIDS back in the 1980s. Some of the chemicals used were highly toxic which had an 80% fatality rate. Most people died from the treatment and not the disease. So Fauci incompetence goes back a long way.

    4. Rocky is obviously spewing satire. Because nobody is this stupid, uninformed and brainwashed.

    5. I was kind of amazed that he got away with that shit back then. thought he was retired or something until he showed up talking about the super flu bullshit- the VIRUS!!!.
      anyone who has done NBC training KNOWS a level 4 bio weapon is not stopped by
      a paper or cloth mask. just remember your MOPP training ?
      but really he needs to be stripped of all his wealth to pay those he hurt with his bullshit. then PPV his ass tried down to feed the crabs somewhere at low tide.
      nothing quick or painless for him at all.

    6. Anon at 1:47 - Except for every other Biden supporter out there. They're all fucking stupid.

    7. "Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
      "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

      Albert Einstein was obviously very familiar with people that support Democrats.

  6. Whutz the downside??

  7. Let me see if I can couch my feelings in terms that won't get me a visit:
    "......slowly.....heinously painful.....a long period of time....
    hospital and/resort-like recovery......
    various scenarios.....
    a false glimmer of hope that he'll be rescued or escape,
    again and again and again.......

  8. Where does the line start? This cocksucker is an walking miracle that no one has clipped him yet.

    Chutes Magoo

  9. He deserves all the utmost respect, caring and honor that he bestowed on the beagles!

  10. I was thinking more along the lines of beheading, and sticking his head on a pike. You should only have to a few before the rest fall into line, and if they don't, try a little impaling. Vlad knew his stuff.

    1. If you haven't yet, I suggest looking up Taxicab depressions. Then read his post titled The Pig Trap. Enlightening, to say the least.

    2. Snuff, the Pig Trap is historic - I've printed copies out, I love it

  11. If the little Smurf turns and starts spilling the beans he better worry about being on Hillary's hit list

  12. Slow, painful and a torturous death isolated from everyone is what that POS deserves

    1. I'm thinking something medieval, like the iron maiden.

    2. Exactly what I was thinking

    3. In a Town square, on display for 30 days...

    4. maybe the Bronz Bull . Stuff Fauci inside and build a nice campfire

  13. I think he should spend the rest of his days, every day, praying for forgiveness

  14. Just for giggles, I should rewatch the video of Rand Paul questioning Fauci about using American taxpayer money at the Wuhan Lab to fund Gain of Function research.

    For all of his faults and complete lack of ethics, you do have to admire his ability to feign outrage while he lies though his teeth during a congressional hearing.

  15. Evil, little, power-mad scumbag. Toss him to the dogs.

  16. That's his guilty conscience and his own psychological projection talking

  17. He doesn't have to worry about it, but I would hope that it consumes his every waking moment and gives him nighmares every night.

  18. I'm thinkin' tied naked and spread-eagle to stumps being eaten by mosquitoes and waiting for the feral hogs....

  19. He should be more concerned about what comes after physical death. Matthew 10: 28 Don’t fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    1. True that. I read a true book about people that were dying and on their death bed. The evil people right before dying saw demons and hell and were screaming no no no. Whereas good people would smile and say they see angels and loved ones who had passed previously.

  20. Nah, guys, ya gots it all wrong. Just keep giving him his vaxx shot until his blood turns to taiffee and he succumbs to a very virulent painful form of cancer.

  21. Why take the risk for Fauci. There are more deserving targets.

  22. The Beagle treatment sound good, but he cant keep his vocal cords so his screams can be recorded for posterity as his face gets eaten away.

  23. The man who has caused the deaths of tens of thousands is worried about being killed? He still does not understand that political murder is only done by his liberal friends. We conservatives do not engage in the murder of our opponents.

  24. FInally, Little Tony Fadouchi is right about something...

    Steven Y.

  25. I don't normally harbor ill will toward people, I try to give them a little grace...but in Fauci's case, I'll make an exception. Yeah, with as many death certificates as he's responsible for, it's not difficult to imagine that some grieving father, husband, brother...someone with nothing left to lose, would stalk him and deliver some street justice. I will neither be surprised nor will I grieve when it happens. FAFO writ large.

  26. You're God Damned right ya little prick ya!!!

  27. Unfortunately it will be Father Time.

  28. So the millionaire "doctor" is finally waking up and afraid there might be consequences. Too bad, I hope he is very afraid.

  29. Irish 6 pak first

  30. If you murder millions and ruin the lives of billions you should take some precautions. But the taxpayer should not cover the bill.

  31. Hey Tony.......If you're looking for'll find it between Shit and Syphilis in the dictionary.

  32. So, if somebody's going to kill him, can I call dibs, or is it a lottery, or just the highest bidder?

  33. There isn't anyone on the planet that can't be "gotten to" especially someone as low down the totem pole as Fraudci. Live in fear and watching your six for the rest of your days modern day Dr. Mengele. You deserve it.



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