
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Excess Deaths Remained Elevated Even After COVID-19 Vaccines, Study Finds

More people died in Western countries than expected for three consecutive years amid the COVID-19 pandemic, despite containment measures and vaccines, according to a new study. 

The study, published in BMJ Public Health, found more research is needed to determine why more people died than expected, a metric called excess mortality.


  1. Most likely this is happening because people deferred going to the Doctor. It is catching up with them now.

    1. Well, I'm a goner then. I haven't been to a doctor in over 8 years.

      Seriously though, a lot of people lost faith in their doctors over the jab.

    2. Despite the (not)vaccines, or in part because of them?

    3. Haven't seen one in twelve years. Research does pay off. Cleared up my gallbladder among other things. Fuck those self-serving hypocrites

    4. The mrna is self-replicating and destroys your immune system.
      I don't have the link, but if you look up Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. She has a lot of info about the delayed effects of the jab.

    5. @Anon1301

    6. Hell, this got me thinking...I haven't been to see one of those quacks since 1994???
      I'm almost 70, great health, put in a solid day of work. I'm pretty well convinced
      that those guys will kill you.

    7. Starker here,
      My uncle the picture of health, 2-3 mile walk twice a day. No known high blood pressure, diabetes or other health problems. Not seen nor needed a doctor for 20+ years. On returning from his walk he went to step up onto the front porch, & his femur snapped. He has cancer in his bones, liver kidneys, and brain. After 8 weeks he can't move his right side and has about another 3 -4 weeks.
      Get seen & screened every five years, please.

  2. Maybe Mother Nature's seeing the shit show the human species has become and is saying, "we gotta dial this back by culling the herd".

  3. "Excess Deaths Remained Elevated Even After COVID-19 Vaccines, Study Finds"

    How about - Excess Deaths Remained Elevated because of COVID-19 Vaccines, Study Finds


  4. "Excess Deaths Remained Elevated Even After COVID-19 Vaccines, Study Finds" AAAHAHAAHAHAH. It's the jabs that's doing it. You ain't seen nothing yet. They actually needed a study for that and still can't connect the dots. Too much.

  5. Still counting motorcycle accidents as Covid?

  6. A hardcore, pro-vax friend has had three surgeries to remove clots from lung to ankle. Doc told her it was because of Covid, not the clot shot. She believes him. Her teacher-husband is not much better. Waiting to hear what they do for him. As bad as things are, he claims it's much worse for conservative friends (yeah, right) who did not take the shots. Can't fix stupid.

  7. Ackshully, had a story on April 3, 2024,
    "Covid Vax deaths surge in Republican-voting states, study says".
    Trump, 'The Father of the Vaccine", said, "Go get the shot!",
    and the sheeple did obey.
    Ya remember that old saying: "The Democrats are the Evil party
    and Republicans are the stupid party?"
    "....more research is needed...." also known as
    "We need more funding!" , until then
    "Doctors remain baffled."

    1. You're right, the liberals did obey. They lined up for that shit in droves and threatened us that didn't with loss of jobs and threats of incarceration.

    2. Yes, lost family over the jab bullshit. There will be no forgetting.

    3. Uh-huh, the only people I know that got covid were the ones that got the shot.

    4. Anonymous
      Are you really that dumb or is this a piss poor joke ???????
      Either way it might be good to not be such an asshole and stupid

  8. I said from the get-go that history would show the scamdemic as the greatest con job ever foisted upon mankind. I was wrong; it was the greatest mass murder in history.

  9. Pfizer and the FDA knew this would happen 3 months after the vax rollout. They went to court to try to hide the facts for 75 years and the judge said they had to release their reports. Read the official Pfizer confidential report covering 3 months of vax side effects here:

    Make sure you read the 9 page LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST that starts on page 30. Remember that this list covers only three months of vax adverse events.


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