
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fuck you and your boot



  1. I worked next to Grosvenor Square (London) back in the day. The Security Force Marines had a cutting torch on-hand to free the Admiral's car whenever the police tried to boot the car for standing in a no park zone in front of the building. It was very amusing... Absolutely no-fucks were given by the Marine Guards.

    1. Was that Admiral Crowe? The Ambassador?

    2. ADM Crowe was the Ambassador at the time. I think it was ADM Sanchez who was NAVEUR.

    3. I drove car transporters back in the day and used to fetch truckloads of cars in and out of Avis, just round the back by the rear entrance of the embassy.
      Some of our lads tried to park outside the Grosvenor building but the guards weren't having that, i never had any trouble with them because i'd reverse right down to Avis' building and park opposite the rear vehicle access doors.

  2. Ya got two boots? Smarter would be to boot two tires wouldn't it?

    1. Y'know, I was applauding the guy's ingenuity and no fucks given attitude, and you just have to come along and post this.
      Thank you, Mr. Buzzkill.

    2. I'll be here all week. Tip yer waiter...

  3. When the cost of another tire/wheel is less than your accumulated parking fines.

    1. He lost nothing, it went in the trunk to be disassembled at leisure at home.

  4. If a cordless angle grinder can take off a catalytic converter, it can take off one of these. Get a diamond or borazon wheel if you need it. Pretty sure the grinder is cheaper than a new wheel.

    1. Eh, throw the booted tire in the trunk and cut that crap off it later. Got shit to do right now. And a proper corded tool usually works better, costs less, and lasts longer too.

    2. Only problem with tossing the booted tire in the trunk is, technically you can be charged with theft, for taking the boot. It's happened before. Boot isn't your property. Yes, it's pretty much batshit insane, but since when does the law have to make sense? Personally, I think if they put it on my tire, they were clearly gifting it to me. The courts don't usually agree, sadly.

  5. As the UK, and other western cultures is being invaded/overtaken by the third worlders, the Bobbie’s spend their time enforcing this silly shit. Tax the middle class white man. Let’s face it folks we are noting but tax slaves.


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