
Friday, June 21, 2024

Fucking tweekers, I swear...

Hundreds of people every day walk on Los Angeles' 6th Street Bridge, but at sundown they disappear, and the "Ribbon of Light" goes completely in the dark. 

"About 7 miles from end to end of copper wire that has been stolen," L.A. City Councilman Kevin de León told CBS News. "So these lights are becoming ATM machines."


  1. Someone decided it was less than a thousand dollars so they agreed they could take it.

  2. We have problems with the theft of copper wire as well

  3. The only people who walk on the 6th street bridge are people who have to. No body walks the bridge at night because it's in Skid Row.

  4. I had a friend who volunteered at the Salvation Army location in our town. It always looked closed after dark. I asked my friend why the lights in the lot weren't on. You guessed it; the bums were stealing the copper between the lights and the panel. This happened several times. The Salvation Army finally said "FUGGIT" and just stopped replacing it. Now the Salvation Army location is vacant. It spent a ton of money building that campus but had to walk away from it. The place was overwhelmed by the bums and the vandalism.

    The bums are also stealing the backflow valves on the water services to the commercial buildings in the town. They get ahold of a batt-op Sawzall, cut the pipes, and make off with the valves, leaving a GEYSER of water shooting in to the air until the owners show up in the morning or the cops decide to get out of their cars. Of course, the backflow valves are on the customer side of the meter, so not only is the customer out the cost of buying and replacing the valve, they get hit with a GARGANTUAN water bill.

    As Bigus Macus said, part of the blame lies with the scrap metal dealers who are buying the stuff.


    1. Here in town about all the utility poles have had their ground wire cut off at about as far up as a man can reach.

  5. De Leon. The genius about guns.

  6. Pretty soon we'll be just like South Africa. By the way, I watched a video the other day were people in LA were stealing fire hydrants.

  7. Good good good!
    We need copper wire to build EVs.

  8. Hmmm. Kevin de León. That name sounds familiar. Where have I heard it before?

    Oh, that's right. He's the ex-state senator and firearms expert who attempted to whip Californians into a paranoid frenzy with his talk about Ghost Guns that hold thirty magazine clips and can disperse with thirty bullets within a half a second.

    But that was back in the good old days, when he made less than half as much taxpayer money per year as he does now as an L.A. City Councilman. Proving once again that the expression "You get what you pay for" is true about everything but southern California politicians and that Democrats always fail upward.

  9. Kevin De Leon. The man who made "Ghost Guns" famous.


  10. Join the Vigilante Police Force! Chase, catch and execute criminals and vandals to the cheers of your neighborhood!


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