
Thursday, June 27, 2024

Gov. Newsom, Legislative leaders consider putting new crime initiative on November ballot

Gov. Gavin Newsom and some Democratic lawmakers are now considering placing a crime-related measure on the November ballot to compete with an initiative that has already qualified meant to enhance penalties for drug traffickers and repeat thieves.


Oh, now Newsom's ready to do something about the mess he created? Is he trying to show he's tough on crime for his upcoming presidential run?


  1. Anything beyond the current 'nothing' would be an enhancement.

  2. In california the most dangerous criminals are in government

  3. No, this is an end run by the Democrats to compete with and stifle a ballot proposition that has just qualified for the November election that attempts to hold criminals and homeless drug addicts accountable for their actions. The Dems don't like the idea of the people trying to escape the criminal infested rat-hole that their party has created. Newsom is just along for the ride, fighting whatever good ideas MAGA Californians might have and attempting to look presidential in the process.

    1. Thank you Elmo. I couldn't have said it better. Fucking scumbag politicians are pissed that the general population want too repeal Prop. 47.

    2. Prop. 47, the "California Safe Schools and Neighborhoods Act", which decriminalized everything from shoplifting to organized retail theft to drug use. You can bet the Powers that be will be playing those same word games when they name these two competing ballot propositions this summer.

  4. Not defending Gruesome but they all do it, right down to the county boards.

  5. Newsom doesn't go to take a shit without figuring all the angles.

  6. How do you target repeat thieves when you told the cops not to arrest them the first time?


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