
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hunter Biden files for new gun trial on a technicality

Lawyers for Hunter Biden are seeking a new trial in his federal gun case, after a jury found him guilty two weeks ago of lying about his drug use when he bought a gun in 2018.

His legal team's longshot motion does not argue against the merits of the case, but instead cites a technicality on a procedural matter to challenge the basis for the trial.


  1. I keep telling people Progressives are obsessed and never admit defeat. They got plenty of money for lawyers and the courts are on their side. Hunter ain't going to jail no matter what happens.

  2. not only that, if the fukker ever ran for office he would automatically get a huge percentage of votes, regardless

  3. A strategic move would be if all charges were tossed out as UNCONSTITUTIONAL.

    Imagine the impact this would have on the left......

  4. That oxygen thief needs a case of Clintonitis....

  5. Let's move on to the FJB crime family business.
    Prosecuting on guns weak ATF BS.

    1. It's what Democrat persecutors did _instead_ of investigating Hunter's role as Joe's international bag man, etc. The original plea deal was an attempt to ensure he could never be charged with any other prior crimes, not just the relatively minor ones he was charged with. It was ambiguously written, but I'm sure a Biden would get the benefit of the rule of lenity in court. (That is, if the government wrote a law or document unclearly, the ambiguity should be interpreted against them.) But the judge smelled a rat and required a re-write, and the DA was unwilling to _clearly_ give immunity for everything Hunter might have ever done, suspected or unknown.

      Hunter wasn't willing to sign a deal where he would serve community service for his least important crimes, then next year be investigated for sex with under-age girls and smuggling cocaine, and finally for international corruption after the next not-Democratic President appoints the Attorney General.

  6. Yes, the law is unconstitutional and should be repealed or struck down.

    In the interim, however, Hunter should be subject to the same penalties as the rest of us.

    The best way to kill a bad law is to enforce it strictly; once the populace is sufficiently riled up, there will be pressure on lawmakers to make a change.

  7. If he was in recovery he would have known he was an addict. Otherwise, why was he in recovery?

    1. And what's their favorite bullshit mantra?
      "Once an addict, always an addict."

    2. He wasn't in recovery. His book makes that clear, and there were plenty of friends that could testify if the law was changed so that is even an issue.

  8. Well , as long as they are going after hunter then there is one republican that might be safe for a little while longer... These are the same caliber of people that got the Mee too Weinstien off on technicality...


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