
Friday, June 14, 2024

Looks like Mom finally got tired of his shit

Sources have said the 14-year-old who is accused of fatally shooting a Houston Farmers Market employee who tried thwarting his alleged attempt to steal a golf cart was actually turned in by his own mother.


  1. Now find out where the kid got the gun and charge him/her as an accessory to murder.

    1. Stupid. So if he picked up a stick and beat the guy, they'll charge God? If he stabbed him, they charge the knife company?

      Look how dumb average person is and realize half the population is dumber than that! - Carlin

    2. The GOV started this shit when they recently convicted the parents of the Michigan school with involuntary manslaughter, for right or wrong, and they need to enforce the laws equally. Every little gang-banger or other minor criminal who uses a gun should have whatever adult is supposed to be in charge as well.
      It used to be parents were not held legally responsible for the acts of their children unless they actually played a part, they might have civil liability.
      One of the best ways to get rid of an unjust law is to vigorously enforce it.

  2. Damn, that is a shame. I used to go to that market often. It was a huge open air market where farmers from as far away as the valley would sell their own produce directly to the public. There were huge warehouses and shops surrounding the area. I would sometimes eat at a hole in the wall seafood restaurant nearby that had the freshest seafood. It was in a semi-bad part of town, even then (15 years ago, now).

  3. do I even need to say "guess the race?"

  4. He will hate her forever. I doubt she cared about the guy the kid blew away. She knew the kid would be caught and she was possibly trying to get him in custody before he went down in a hail of bullets. Dumb little fuck will never understand she saved his life.

  5. Sometimes a mother has to do what is right now what their child wants


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