
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Tweekers are going straight to hell for that

A Purcell congregation is tired of thieves striking their church. 

In 2021, Johnson Road Baptist Church, just off I-35 was ransacked, shortly after their beloved pastor died of COVID-19.


  1. Give each of the thieves an ounce of lead from a 12 ga. in addition to their haul of copper from the AC units. And prosecute the unscrupulous scrap metal dealers that accept obviously stolen AC heat exchangers and wire.

    1. How can you tell the scrap is “obviously stolen”?

    2. That was my thought too. Lots of contractors just give any scrap wiring or metal to low income or homeless people. It's easier to do that than load that shit up to take to the scrapyard themselves. When I had my water heater replaced a year or so ago, I asked the plumbing guy if he was going to haul the old one off and he told me he would, that his boss just gives them to an old man that comes around once a week for them in order to supplement his Social Security.
      Catalytic converters, though? Whole 'nother story.

    3. No, contractors do not!
      The company I work for is prosecuting two of their top Foreman for cashing in scrap copper, instead of turning it into the office.
      Not to mention, NEVER give something of value to “low income people “
      They will come back and steal, claiming it was given to them. And unless it’s serialized, the cops will side with them. Because YOU set a precedent,
      (I saw that with a farmer that gave produce away)

    4. Maybe where you live. Don't assume every other place is the same.

    5. Must live in one of those shitty places. Here we usually let the new helper have scrap. Lowest paid guy typically.

  2. “I said, ‘If they’re not back there, somebody had to take them,'”
    I wonder how he arrived at such an insightful observation?

  3. Our church has an outbuilding where we keep various supplies. That thing gets hit about every other month. We started putting trash out there just to let them haul it off for us. Very frustrating. So far, they haven't tried very hard to get into the building, just some basic screw driver attempts, nothing super destructive. Cops basically say don't call unless it's over $10K of stolen property and damages. Walk-in reports only for insurance tracking.

  4. How to stop people from stealing metal. Do it the Genghis Khan way. Pour the molten metal down the thief's throat. Problem solved.


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