
Thursday, June 13, 2024

WaPo Boss Complains of Shrinking Audience: “People are not reading your stuff”

Fox News is reporting the Washington Post’s publisher and CEO, William Lewis, had a “blunt message” for the staff at the legacy media group. Lewis reportedly told reporters and editors, “We are going to turn this thing around, but let’s not sugarcoat it. It needs turning around…We are losing large amounts of money. Your audience has halved in recent years. People are not reading your stuff. Right. I can’t sugarcoat it anymore.”


  1. HA HA! Byeeeee!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. My experience with my local Denver Post: they kept increasing the price for the printed edition. When it reached $100 per month I realized that I was part of the generation that still read a PRINTED newspaper, and that I did not want to pay $100 per month to be INSULTED by their left drivel 7*24. Bye bye Denver Post.

  3. nobody wants to pay to be lectured and told how evil they are.

  4. Nobody cares about Jeffy's rag.

  5. WOW! Now they know how all the USSR newspapers felt when it was obvious propaganda they were printing. Propaganda means "lies, or untruths" for all those born after 1980 or thereabouts.

    1. Originally, propaganda simply meant disseminating information. It was later that the type of information came into play.

  6. Don't read any of the main stream newspapers because they exaggerate and lie. I'm sticking to the National Enquirer.

  7. Honestly, the part that gets me is that they are so arrogant and holier-then-thou that they can not admit that there is any other opinion other then theirs. These people wish to be know as academics, but are so lacking in common sense that is laughable! Time for them to reap what they have sown!

  8. I wouldn't wipe my ass with anything that loathsum prick Bezos had anything to do with.

    1. How 'bout pride flags from Amazon, would you wipe your ass with that?

    2. That right there is what's called a conundrum!

  9. The problem with us "old folks" is that we come from an age when the media was an unbiased source of information. That business model is long dead. ALL modern "information " sources toot thier own horn, and we are required to be critical thinkers, it's just the way of the world now, sadly!

    1. LOL that right there is funny, Cronkite...

      Kind of like saying Fox or OAN or whatever retarded "news" channels are conservative or our taxes go to improve infrastructure.

    2. Nope. Ever year of yellow journalism? I well remember the time in HS journalism class when we studied an article written a few days after Lincoln had been shot.

      While the article was about the assassination, it was quite far down the column inches to read the Lincoln had, in fact, been shot. And that was just a sentence or two. The article was pure editorializing by biased writers.

      What has changed is these days it is more evident.

  10. Fox should talk. I stopped reading their drivel a long time ago. Years ago they were ok then they started with the left shit. I read Newsmax at the moment.

  11. You'll get more accurate news from SpongeBob reruns than you will from WaPo, etc.

  12. Local paper bought by some new yawk corporation about 5 years ago, readership is down so far they're offering 6 month subscriptions for $ 1 and they are still losing subscribers.. Fuck the leftist bastards

  13. There's much better fiction worth reading just about anywhere else besides "news media".

  14. Don’t know that I’ll ever get over it.


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