
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wax on, wax off

A Canadian court awarded a trans-indetified male, who claims to be a woman, $35,000 after an Ontario women's salon refused to wax "her" male genitalia. The salon employee working that day was a devout Muslim woman who refrained from physical contact with men, and the salon owner told the trans woman that they could not find a way to accommodate her request.
-Don in Ohio


  1. Honestly, this shit needs to stop. These fucking lunatics never heard 'no' when they threw a tantrum in the cereal aisle, and now look where we are?
    You CANNOT compel someone to do something against their will. Period. I'm sorry, I get that has ramifications... but you simply can't make someone do something they don't want to, ever, for any reason, certainly most among them 'your feelings'! What about the 'feelings' of the person forced to do something against their will? Your feelings trump theirs?
    No baker should be forced to bake a gay cake, no wax girl should have to wax a penis and pretend it's a vagina because the lunatic that it's attached to says so. Think about that for just a second - a mentally ill person is forcing a sane person to go against their religion, because, we don't want to offend or hurt the insane person!??!?!
    Fuck these retarded lunatic nutjobs, lock their asses back up in the padded rooms and throw away the keys.
    Stop the world, I want to get off.

  2. This ain't much of a comment, but this is frigging insanity.

    1. It may not be much of a comment, but it's the frigging truth.

  3. That waxer found herself in an ideologically hairy situation. I think she reneged on the deal because the waxing table couldn't be adjusted so the dude's balls faced Mecca.

  4. Send him to my place, I'll take care of that problem like I do removing pin feathers from dead chickens.

    1. I have an elastrator that could solve 'her' hairy ball problem. It would only cost pennies and would take only minutes.

  5. So I guess in the Leftist grievance hierarchy trans > Muslim.

  6. Replies
    1. Ontario, not Canada. This is B.C. -

  7. He needs a Tar and Feathers Wax Job

  8. Cut their dicks off. Problem solved.

  9. What do you do with a dumbass tranny,
    What do you do with a dumbass tranny,
    What do you do with a dumbass tranny
    Er-lie in the morning?

    Shave his nuts with a rusty razor,
    Shave his nuts with a rusty razor,
    Shave his nuts with a rusty razor
    Er-lie in the morning.

  10. Well, some very hot wax on the "womans" equipment might have changed "her" mind. That and a straight razor

  11. I woulda dug out my wife's old Epilady and let the gadget do it's trick! Riiiiiiiip!

  12. F* the tranzy ... but hot wax on his balls??? Sicker than normal.

  13. Oh FFS, wax your own fucking balls you mentally ill fuck.

    I can see this winding up in the Supreme Court of Canada some years down the road. Now THAT will be one strange court transcript.

  14. Comment late to the party, but this is another, "ask for something you can't get, then sue their ass off" deal. Like the gay cake case.

    They can likely win, with deep pockets, but, as usual, the process is the punishment.


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