
Friday, July 26, 2024

Attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris highlight underlying issues of misogynoir

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- Since Bay Area native and Vice President Kamala Harris announced her intent to replace President Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee, a barrage of attacks has surfaced. These attacks range from political criticisms to personal digs, reflecting a troubling blend of misogyny and racism, often referred to as "misogynoir."


Oh, that poor thing!  We should quit picking on her, huh?


  1. Poor Kamala, no other woman in political history has ever had to deal with misogyny, or being made fun of, right Sarah Palin?

  2. No fucking quarter!

  3. Let's face it, misogyny rules in the ME, and no female POTUS will be taken seriously by any Muslim nation.

    1. Yeah, they tried that during the Carter? mis-administration, when the sent a Jewish woman Secretary of State to negotiate with a bunch of moslems.
      Kammy, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen.

  4. Not even labeled editorial. I’ll tell you what the next steal is going to Make the last one look clandestine. Trump can get 150 million votes and they will tell us that she got 350 million and dare you to dispute it.

    1. There are 850 million people in the US, so what's teh issue?

    2. That is absurdity you will be expected (demanded)to accept .

  5. Soooo...what the "experts" are telling everyone is...that women can't take the heat in a "man's world"? Their words, not mine. And remember, "experts" come out of the woodwork like cockroaches when there is money to be made. They're all full of shinola.
    *See what I did? "their, there, they're"

    1. IronTom, I saw, and as a kind of smart speaker of the American language; I appreciate it. With all the assaults on how Americans speak - ebonics, all the foreign speakers, 'press 1 for english' - what you did there was pretty cool. But I'm old so what the fuck do I know.
      Now if we could just teach Dirk...

  6. A couple of weeks ago, there was a great meme I saw which may apply to this situation.

    "Sorry - your race card has been declined. Could you please provide an alternative alternate to your arguments ?"

    If the argument is that election tactics are mean, consider our foreign leaders who may have issues fighting with the U.S. leaders on the world stage. If you have the chops to deal with them, better the electors know before we vote them in.

  7. Let me be the first to endorse the KamalaHarris/Hardy Har Har ticket & lock down the hyena vote!

  8. Some gems from the article, which does not mention that the quoted associate professor Brandi Summers teaches African American & African Diaspora studies- what a shock!
    "Saying her name wrong creates an othering"-???
    "Black women are expected to save individual households and this sort-of national household. It is exhausting," she said." -Translation- Better lower your expectations now-
    "We all need a mom. We need you to be 'Momala' of the country," said Drew Barrymore."- Thank You, Hollywood DB-

    1. Dr. Summers forgot Kamala is of Indian and Phillipino descent and not of African descent.
      However, she did have some 'black' in her at one time or another.

  9. It is terribly undemocratic to expect their dei-versity hire to actually be qualified.

  10. I would prefer both sides to lay out their plans for the next four years. Debate on which party's plan has the most merits as well as which plan is actually achievable. Promising more than you can actually deliver only sounds good on paper. Leave off personal attacks and go after past behavior in office.

  11. I've already been told, by the usual suspects, that we aren't allowed to critique "women in power" because of misogyny or something. The message is "you can't say bad things about Kamala because!"

  12. Kamala has earned the derision of her demeanor, accusations of incompetence to hold office, every meme and off-color joke (see what I did there?) thrown her way. I say that as someone who has been subjected to her existence since the 1980s. From San Francisco to Washington, DC, she was force fed to the public. Damn you, Willy Brown!

  13. How many delegates has she earned?? Zero. DEI - didn't earn it

  14. Blah, blah, blah.....nobody has even asked her what Willie Brown's dick tastes like or if she rimmed Montel Williams!

  15. Misogynoir? When what they're bitching about is so imaginary they have to make up a new word to name it, I think they are cutting new ground in victimhood.

  16. Fuck that dark skinned cock sucking cunt.....
    There did I hit all their bullshit points..

    1. Well, I think you left out "stupid", "traitor" and "incompetent", but hey.

    2. "Idiot" and "asshole" could be added, in my opinion.

  17. Klamata the Kneepads Negro better get some thick foreskin if she's going to be all the sock puppet she can be

    1. She's not even African, her dad is Jamaican and her mom dot Indian..
      Her whole existence is a giant line of bullshit

  18. Misogynoir? Wasn't that a one of the Elves in Lord of the Rings?

  19. How many years did she spend in Canada growing up? Yeah, along with that and her Jamaican/Indian admixture she's an American all right, she can relate to all of us.....


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