
Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Commentary: Democrats Options to Replacing Biden

Amid the Democrats’ chaotic meltdown over President Biden’s Thursday night debate performance, one image stood out: A shrewd observer on posted a video of a baseball pitcher just off the field dramatically engaged in big, arm-circle warm-ups.

“Gavin stretching in the bullpen,” the observer commented.


  1. The Demonrats screwed. At least three key states only allow a replacement if the voted in primary winner either dies or is ruled unfit to serve. So they can't article 25 him because then they get Kamel Toe who none of them want because she can't win AND they have to give back ALL of the campaign donations and start over with donations(read that somewhere in a news story this AM). That includes the $20M they raised since the debate.

    I'm sure Demonrats either have or will develop a plan that twists election law into unheard of contortions. They're not gonna let Bribem deprive them of the WH without some sneaky, underhanded, totally illegal, totally deniable, BS election law tampering.


    1. Law? Not going to let any steenking law get in the way of Saving Democracy

  2. The Democrat "wanna be president" assholes will be circling around the White House like buzzards over road kill.

    1. A 2 term newsome as POTUS is an evil spectre. Brace for impact folks.

    2. And just think. If he's elected to even one term, he'll have Secret Service protection for the rest of his life. A man dedicated to banning private ownership of firearms will get armed security, paid for by the people he wants to disarm. The possibility of that happening really chaps my hide.

  3. I don't think they have any (real) options, What they do have is 160 days before the big vote. What are they gonna do, go to court to pospone the election because the new candidate didn't have ample time to campaign?
    - WDS

  4. Newsom has run California into the ground so he would not win any election. Harris is needed to get the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment so that Biden can be removed from all Ballots in all states and she is made Prez. This becomes a problem for the Dems as she is not popular and will not win against Trump. To replace Harris at the DNC Convention the Dems would place Michelle Obama so Barack can still run things. I am not sure it will work as Michelle has no work or political experience and people are looking for the following to be fixed: the economy, getting rid of the illegals, less crime, and stopping spending. People will see that Michelle will be run by Barack but they will understand that Barack has run Biden's Admin.

  5. A reminder of what life is like under Gavin Newsom (as if you need one). These things happened just this week in California, and its only Tuesday:
    As of July 1st, the gas tax increased by two cents, there is now an 11% tax on both guns and ammunition, the legislature is about to require credit card companies to code sales of firearms to private citizens so they can report those sales to the state and after already cancelling thousands of homeowner's insurance policies, State Farm is saying that if the Insurance Commissioner's office doesn't approve their 30% rate increase request they will consider leaving California. This comes a year after they increased rates 20%.

    Meanwhile, according to the guy that was born with a Silver Spoon in his mouth, living in California is fantastic.

  6. Hmmm. It seems to me that most of the Dems problems would be solved by both Biden AND Harris being taken out together, especially if it can be blamed on right-wing White extremists.

    1. Not that I'd necessarily put that level of BS past them, but we'll all know how fishy that would be.

      And by we, I mean planet earth.

      And by fishy, I mean off the scale tyrannical.

  7. Remember the bumper sticker from way back, Don’t Change Dicks In The Middle Of A Screw Vote For Nixon In 72.

    1. My favorite was between Moonbeam's first two terms- "If it's Brown, Flush it Down".

  8. Don’t forget Killary is circling the field like a vulture.

  9. Why is it that so many of the possible alternatives make SloJoe look good?


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