
Friday, July 26, 2024

Harris Promises Expensive Paid Leave and Child Care Subsidies in First Campaign Speech

What's an unpopular politician with low charisma and an unflattering record to do when she's suddenly thrust into the spotlight of a presidential campaign?

Promise to make it rain, of course!

Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off her substitute presidential campaign on Monday by promising to pass two policies that were dropped from President Joe Biden's Inflation Reduction Act when members of Congress balked at the price tag: paid family leave and government-funded child care.


  1. I absolutely agree that we need government-funded childcare for all those unemployed welfare mothers. They then will get more time to watch The View and other "the media hates Trump" programs.

  2. Do you not already have subsided child care

    1. No, we expect the parents to care for their children, instead of asking for the taxpayers to do it for them.

    2. Portland, Oregon has a special tax on "the rich" to provide free pre-school for all. On the theory that the government is best suited to raise children.

    3. I know Michigan used to have subsidized day care for low income folks and would cover day care costs for foster parents. That was 30 years ago, who knows what they do now.

  3. That's it : spend, spend, spend. You'll have inflation roaring again in no time. Moron.

  4. Someday we will hold these politicians accountable


  5. Kamel Toe promises free blow jobs for everyone

    1. Ewww! No thanks.

    2. . . . hell, she’d even blow Big Mike.

  6. I think that is a perfect job for the people in jail. Child care for free. It is the perfect solution for those that had children for the welfare check.

  7. The Family Leave Act is already a burden on non-child bearing taxpayers or those whose children were grown and on their own before the act was enacted. Even more so on the beneficiaries' fellow employees who have to pick up the slack for week after week (this is based on personal experience) while their peer is on leave. Adding Harris's new boondoggle to the heap is paramount to the now defunct, for the second time, college loan relief attempt that was, again, struck down by the courts. They're all a rape of the diligent worker for the benefit of the rest.

    Look, it's supposed to work like this: You choose to incur a debt (kids, college, car, wife,...) and you pay for it. Pushing that load onto to strangers isn't only wrong, it's SOCIALISM which is a CREEPING disease. It is also the gateway drug to COMMUNISM.

    Let these things happen and then the Revolution begins.

    All of these pandering giveaway scams have to die an early death.

  8. NY state has a 12 week program that pays 67 percent of your average weekly income, believe it's paid from the unemployment system, which employers and employees pay into, up to 1500 a week.

    1. you mean consumers pay for this as the costs for goods and services increases for the reduction in pay to "pay" for these services

  9. Socialism, communism and women have a lot in common.

  10. I am surprised knee pad harris has not promoted an email address for suggestions what the commiecrats should offer for free. Free meaning taxpayer funded.

  11. Kamala's 2024 campaign slogan-
    "Make America California, Alright?"
    The hats will be blue, not red.


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