
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Illegal Alien Crimes

Under Joe Biden, America is rapidly becoming a third-world battlefield.

Joe Biden has created illegal alien chaos in America by welcoming child rapists and murderers into the nation, slapping the face of legal immigrants who have followed the laws and waited years to enter the country.

Restoration News provides in-depth monthly reporting on the atrocities being committed by criminal illegal aliens crossing Joe Biden’s open border. Many of these criminals are repeat offenders who receive little to no punishment and are protected by Democrat controlled sanctuary cities.


  1. We need years of "open season, no limit" 365 days long. Rewards given for ears, fingers or dicks in any condition, but recognizable turned into National guard armories all across the country where the evidence will be cataloged, turned into dog food and distributed to animal shelters.

    1. Evidence schmevidence. Nobody saw or heard anything, there are no traces, nobody is missing anyone, nobody finds anything, and everyone minds their own business else someone will get fitted with something or other. Just be sure you can kneel before The One with a clean and honest conscience.

    2. Hey guys, sounds like a common thread of aggravation with the government facilitated illegal invader situation. Our betters intend for us to snap, you guys know that right? So they can crush any and all decenter’s. Take out five when it’s your turn. Gotta go, wanted to pen more, but you knuckle-draggers know the rest. Love you all.

    3. The people trying to get us to snap thinks we're going to be intimidated by F-15s.

  2. Don't know the truth of this, but if true, it wouldn't surprise me in the least:

  3. Should be shoot on sight any illegal.


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