
Monday, July 01, 2024

Tennessee sends out thousands of letters to verify citizenship before some can vote

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — More than 14,000 letters have been sent to some living in Tennessee to make sure they are United States citizens before they can vote in the next election. 

State officials said this is about election integrity, but some don't see it that way.


  1. The ones who don't see it that way are Democrats.

  2. Nice that they are making the right noises.

    Now, let's verify eligibility vote, shall we?

  3. Replies
    1. Very few non citizens will be voting. There's no need. What IS needed is their names and addresses, so that their "likeness" might find need for a ballot. It used to be that it wasn't who votes that counts, but who counts the votes. Not any more. Now it's who manufactures the ballots that determines the outcome of an election.

    2. Right you are.
      Where there is an opening for fraud, the deceitful will find it.

  4. In other news it has been announced that TN is a new battle ground state. so much for the slow fade to blue from red. Democracy is under assault and rightfully so if we are going to get our constitutional republic back from the swamp and administrative state.

    1. Tennessee's problem is that it has "Conservatives" where it needs Conservatives.

  5. Do dead voters have to have been citizens, too?

  6. Only citizens can vote. Best is vailidated at voting station and scannable paper ballots.until that is nationwide I will not trust ant election. EVEN IF MY GUY GET ELECTED. Full stop.


  7. let's sit back and see who fights this.

    1. My first guess would be "The Usual Suspects."

  8. Why is this even an issue? I am a Naturalized Citizen and I am frigging proud of it. I CHOSE to become an American and will prove it every time I am asked.

    1. Your attitude is typical of every Naturalized Citizen I've ever known.


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