
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

This is why we can't have nice things

More restaurants in the Memphis area are closing their doors for good, and many owners say the main reason is crime.

Action News 5 spoke with two different restaurants owners about their experiences with crime, including a business that had to close its doors for good.

Cupcake Cuties will no longer serve cupcakes at 300 South Main Street. Crime is so bad it forced the owner, Robert Clayton, to rethink what his business would look like in the future.


  1. My son and his family lived in Memphis for a couple of years. My reaction when we visited was, "What a nice place." Great eating, it just really looked nice, where we went. Later, when they moved back to Georgia, the word from his contacts in Memphis was that the safe area was shrinking day by day and there'd even been a murder in the parking lot where he'd worked. Right now, we're relatively safe but there's only ten miles of road from here to Democrats and diversity. Damn shame we can't move to Memphis.

  2. I've stood in line at Walgreen's and seen the preferred pigments come in, fill their coats with ciggarettes, cigars, liquor, etc., and leave. I asked the clerk if that happens often, and the response was yes, that there was nothing they could do about it.

    My opinion of the right thing to do conflicts with the laws of man.

    1. “Conflicts with the laws of man”
      Today, sure.
      Tomorrow, that page isn’t written yet.

      TMF Bert

    2. Look on the bright side. They steal cigarettes and cigars and liquor, means they'll either toast their lungs and/or kidneys and exit from life earlier than the rest of us.

    3. Nothing they care to do about it...

  3. Similar stuff in thousands of small and mid-sized once Conservative cities. I see the non-prosecution of feral savage chimps by progressive DAs. it's part of the planned destruction of the country.

  4. Then hear the liberals clutch thier pearls and cry about the lack of businesses in the "underserved" parts of these cities. Here in New Orleans, one of the Mardi Gras Symbols are two masks, one sad and the other laughing. Kind of like liberal cities, laughable and sad at the same time.

  5. Just as 'DEI' in the workplace is code for White replacement, 'crime' in news reports is code for 'negroes'. Nobody is fooled, so why not just say it? We can't have nice things because of negroes.

    1. yep. Look at the dominant race in Memphis, and you will have your answer as to the reason why.

  6. Everything my grandfather told me about Negroes was true.

  7. Memphis: The Oakland of Tennessee.

    1. Brother, Oakland ain't got shit on Memphis. I had no problems any time I had to go to Oakland, but I wouldn't even get off the freeway in Memphis.


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