
Monday, July 01, 2024

Uvalde school police chief indicted for alleged failure to protect victims in mass shooting

Pedro “Pete” Arredondo, 52, the former chief of the school police force in Uvalde, Texas, where 19 children and two teachers were killed in a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in 2022, has been indicted by a grand jury on 10 charges of child endangerment and criminal negligence.


  1. How about the rest of them? Like the one standing in the hallway making sure his hands were properly sanitized.

  2. The case stands a very good chance of being dismissed or failing in court under the Supreme Court enforced "no duty to protect" doctrine. if any good can come out of this it will be waking up deluded people to the fact that Law Enforcement has no duty to protect anybody from anything.

    1. Unfortunately, your absolutely right; however, that begs the question "If cops aren't here to protect, then what are they for".

      There will be much hard feelings, spinning bow ties, and quite possibly a harshly worded letter fired off when I suggest Defunding the Police is the right move.

    2. "If cops aren't here to protect, then what are they for".
      To extract revenue from the "civilans" of course.

    3. And guns. I have a feeling there are a whole bunch of confiscated firearms in cop's gun safes all across America.
      "Gee, what a beautiful S&W Model 29 that guy had. It would be a shame to destroy it. Maybe I better take it home and save it."

    4. Yup. Personally seen a retired police chief's collection of about 50 hand guns, admitted 'confiscation for destruction ' items.
      And this is in Canukistan....


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