
Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Wednesday's gifs












  1. Wait... is it Monday? #8 happened to me once. Clutch cable broke.

    1. Happened to me on a 72 Triumph Bonny, throttle cable hung-up and I went through the intersection doing a wheelie in front of a cop directing traffic as the stop light was dead.

  2. #2 The rage is probably why they do it to you over & over. But get a grip. You almost sent a guy to the hospital with at least a concussion.

  3. # 6 idiots. Flying sheet metal can cut you in half.

    1. If UTTERLY NECESSARY, ALWAYS approach from UPWIND!!!!

    2. I had a metal shed blow away in the wind. The damn thing flew into my new car, scratching it all over.
      The insult was that it was the first new car I owned, and it was a 1984 Ford Escort. Not like it was a good car, but it at least was covered by insurance.
      The engines were garbage. The only other new car I have owned was a 1990 Plymouth Colt. Basically a Mitsubishi car, with a 1.5 liter engine. Equipped with a 5 speed manual transmission, I got an actual 40 MPG.
      Playing music and with a 40 mile each way commute to work I put 80,000 miles on it in 2 years.

  4. 2 - you just showed why they pranked you in the first place. Maintain your demeanor, boy.

  5. #5...had an old black Lab. 12 Foot eves on an extension ladder with round rungs...met us up on the roof. Lowered him down with a forklift.

    1. Back in my Navy flying days, my crew returned to Misawa, Japan after several days in Cubi Point, Republic of the Philippines.

      Cubi Point being Cubi Point, Base Security had to run the drug dog through the airplane (P-3 Orion) after we landed. Since there was power on the airplane, a crewman had to remain onboard. The rest of the crew came off with their baggage and waited while the dog went through the airplane.

      The dog went up the ladder steps just fine, but coming down was a whole different story. The handler, a pert little despot, wanted one of us to carry the dog down the ladder for her.

      "No fukkin' way lady; that's YOUR dog." She had to get on the radio and get help from one of her cohorts, which set the tone for her inspection of our baggage, and her treatment of our crew whenever we returned from anyplace not Japan.

      So that was my learning about dogs going down ladders.

    2. My little brother used to have a pair of terriers from the same litter. One summer we refoored our house and garage. As the garage had a nearly flat roof, the dogs could watch him climb the ladder and step onto the roof, and walk around. The first one started up the ladder, and only got halfway before the second one followed him up. The first one got 3/4 of the way to the roofline and froze letting the 2nd one pass him and actually end up on the roof. My brother had to climb down the ladder and rescue the first one because he was shivering and wailing, and you'd have sworn he was crying. Needless to say, he never even tried jump on a chair after that episode...

      you have an excellent vacation!!

  6. 6) Flashback: I was on the Sea of Japan coast of the ROK once when a typhoon came rolling in and there was corrugated metal flying all over the place like a bunch of airborne whirling razor blades. Seek shelter.

  7. #10. Looks like that deck could use a 2 x 2 screwed along its edge

    1. Further proof that if a black cat crosses your path, illness, misfortune, and even death could be in your future. Though it doesn't usually happen so quickly!

    2. Or that woman needs to pull her head out of her butt

    3. Black cats don't bring bad luck; they warn you of bad luck

    4. If a black cat crosses your path on a moonless night it may be immediate.

  8. #1 Cool. Spin yer kid around in circles and make em puke. That was a joke for some opinionated readers. Great family. I used to stuff like that with my kid.

  9. #3 - A pretty girl does that to your windshield and that is your reaction ? Dumb Ass! You gonna be a virgin for the rest of your Life pulling shit like that ...

    1. Well, look at it this way. Do you really want someone who would willingly lick a window that may have bird poop, people poop, dust, bug-guts, stuff like window cleaner and such getting within 10 feet of your penis? Or your mouth? Or, well, anything?

    2. Well Beans it's a safe bet she swallows

    3. Windshields are for tits not tongues.

    4. @ beans: Yes, yes I would.

  10. #4: You can't fix stupid. On the upside, it often fixes itself...

  11. #6. Should have put some heavy weights on it. (Maybe)

  12. Here's the deal about #2. I met a young man that was pranked in school similar to that and fell backward and had his neck catastrophically broken. Through a gifted surgeon and a major miracle, he lived to walk again, but all the vertebrae in his neck are permanently fused. Practical jokes like this have no place in the workplace or anywhere else, I don't blame the guy for flying off the handle, and whoever did it should be fired! IMHO

    1. Worked with a guy who could destroy any break room chair. Over 400 lbs. Never saw that happen to him, but saw it happen to the next person who sat on one.
      Knew a guy who was looking at a house that had a porch swing. He and the wife sat in it. It collapsed. He died from a broken neck. Makes me feel VERY lucky.

  13. Starker here,
    #6 I immediately recognized a mandolin slicer in those corrugated sheets. I was thinking, No! You Idiots! If they wanted to stop them, get upwind and place a large weight on the end closest to the camera, not downwind! Guardian angels' working overtime.


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