
Friday, September 20, 2024

Commentary: More Than Just Millions of People

It’s not just millions of unvetted illegal aliens — the left likes to call them “migrants” and “refugees,” to give this dangerous deluge a better mouthfeel — who have poured across the uncontrolled southern border in the three-and-a-half years since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris assumed control of the federal government.

It is also likely that some millions of dollars worth of military weaponry — in particular, small arms — has also poured across the border, along with the millions of unvetted illegal aliens. Some of whom are among the most violent criminals ever to threaten the peace and safety of Americans — as well as American law enforcement.

Is any of this military hardware from the botched Afghanistan withdrawal?


  1. Crimmigration. We should declare war** on Mexico and seize some of their land for a buffer zone.

    **But 1st give California to them......

  2. every drop of american blood spilled in the next terrorist attack in this country is on the heads of the united states government, including the rinos in congress who funded it; and the msm who covered and lied for them.

  3. Too bad millions of Americans actually approve of the invasion because it makes them: “Feel Good' about helping the poor, downtrodden meek citizens of the world. Plus, millions more just don't give a shit because their bread & circus indulgence completely masks the invasion. The progressive machine knows that and they also know those that do really care about the country can't do shit to stop it.

    1. Fuck the poor, downtrodden meek citizens of the world; let's take care of our own poor, downtrodden meek citizens first.

    2. Anon 5:49..... Veterans are at the front of the line, chronic welfare fucks for no reason can find a job.

  4. from what I have seen of it, and it not much either as they tend to hide such things. it does seem like they dumping them in areas that DIDN'T vote for them in the last 2 elections
    I may be wrong. but I don't think so. btw, if you think crime is bad now, wait until they stop putting cash on their "magic money cards" . that is when all bets are off and they just take whatever they want. by force if need be. also with the drop in police, the cops left can not be everywhere. you will be on your own for a while at least. best to think that part over.
    they do not value life the way we do for one. and second, they think they where invited here by the clowns in power. so, reach out to your neighbors and best come up with a group defense plan of some sort before it does happen.
    this can get real ugly fast when those cards stop working for them. just saying.

    1. Speak softly and use hollow-points.

    2. Read about Biden/Harris's "CHNV" program, Not approved by congress. They are flying 30,000 illegals a month. AND giving them FAKE federal "documents" to get welfare, housing, medical, etc. for FREE.


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