
Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Ruthless Siege of Vicksburg

VIDEO HERE (52:50 minutes)


  1. My grgr grandfather, Cicero Ansley- Tennesse Heavy Artillery, was on the cannon crew that sank the USS Cincinnati during the siege.

  2. My Great Great Grandfather Thomas J. Higgins won The Medal of Honor with the 99th Illinois Regiment at the Battle of Vicksburg. I have his binoculars and telescope from the war. He survived and is buried in Hannibal Missouri where the family moved after the war. When you drive into the battlefield park you go past a little cemetery on the left and there is a small monument to the action on the side of the hill where he raised the Union flag over a Confederate position manned by Texans.

    1. I'll raise a glass of whisky to both your grandfather Mr. Higgins and Mr. Ansley.

      One of my biker buddies down the road his great great grandfather was Jack Hinson. Jack took up arms at the ripe old age of 57 after Union a-holes killed his kids. They wrote a book about him - do a search - it's an amazing story. Killed buku Yankees along the river. He had a custom built 50 cal rifle he bought after he sold his farm when his son's were murdered.

      It's written that 'He targeted Union soldiers at distances as great as a half mile on land and on military transports and gunboats on the Tennessee River and the Cumberland River. Hinson has been credited with as many as one hundred kills, although his rifle had only 36 notches although it has been suggested that the notches were for officers only.'

      We haven't forgot here in Texas.

    2. What they did to Hinsons sons would make the Taliban blush.

    3. My great-great-grandfather was captured when Vicksburg surrendered, along with his brothers and uncles. They were imprisoned on Mud Island near Memphis, then released on parole. The came back to East Tennessee and formed back up and rejoined Vaughn’s Brigade and fought until the end of the war. They were captured riding guard for Jeff Davis. They came back home to live right next to their cousins, who had fought for the Union. Strange days.

  3. Never have understood how the North could treat their fellow Christian brothers so viley.

    1. The yankees brought in mercenary's from foreign lands, seems to be in play again?

  4. Great documentary. Bravy men on both sides. Of course they were Americians most dangrerous military on the planet. With deep saddness, I question if that is so today.


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