
Friday, September 06, 2024

Yeah, I can see where that might put a crimp in things

A California man staying at a Las Vegas Strip resort over the 2023 Christmas holiday said he awoke one morning to excruciating pain in his groin area.

“I just felt like somebody stabbing me in my private area,” Michael Farchi, of Agoura Hills, told Nexstar’s KLAS in March. “It felt like a sharp glass or a knife.”


  1. poisonous, "deadly".
    Dude still alive enough to sue.
    Grifter I believe is the word

    1. Uh-huh, you've obviously never been nailed by one of those vicious little brown Mexican scorpions. I know a guy that did and he was off work for a week, it hurt so bad.

    2. Kenny you are correct. Thank God I don't live where there are scorpions. I agree it can hurt like hell. How many would it take to kill a person? A lucky strike to block an airway?
      How is the hotel supposed to defend itself, even if they have a control program in place & one got through.

    3. I imagine it depends on the person. Shit, a bee sting can kill.
      Yeah, there's no way to tell how it got in. There's a real good possibility the hotel guests brought it in with their own luggage.

  2. It can happen. Every time I get complacent about my lifelong habit of shaking out my shoes or boots every time I put them on I find another scorpion in the house. I was only nailed one time on the hand down in South Texas and I was already reacting and pulling away so he got sort of a glancing hit on my finger. Can confirm they'll hurt you but generally won't kill you. Creepy things. Get a close look at one sometime with a magnifying glass and they just get creepier. Alien life form.

  3. Scorpion bites may not be as common, but they are way worse than crabs

  4. Lived South of Phoenix for about ten years. Learned it was a good idea to have a bug man visit once a month. Wheat colored bark scorpions won't normally kill an adult, but can kill a young child.

    1. Lived east of Phoenix. Bug guy was there once a month, diatomaceous earth liberally placed along the property line, searched for the buggers with a black light every once in awhile. Somehow the little shits figured out how to get past safety measures. Most of the neighbors put food out at night to feed feral cats, who they claimed, will attack scorpions.

    2. I had a house built in rural Bastrop county just outside of Elgin, TX. It was a small acreage subdivision. Just before drywall, I added a liberal dose of diatomaceous earth to the baseplates (and later under the kitchen cabinets) of all the walls. I killed only two scorpions in a decade there. My neighbors complained about killing scorpions constantly. That stuff works wonders.

  5. I feel for the guy but PTSD and emotional trama is way overplayed these days

  6. Baldy has a sex life?
    Who knew?

    1. His hand still has not recovered from the sting.

  7. Was disappointed to read he didn’t get superpowers as a result. Exactly un-super if you believe his wife.

  8. Bark scorpions suck. Feels like a red hot nail that has an electrical current running through it, and it lasts for hours. Bug spray takes a while to kill them, and they will keep coming back no matter how often you spray. We go out every night with blacklights and spot the little fuckers, pick them up with reptile feeding tongs, and drop them in a jar of acetone. That kills them in about 20 seconds or so.

    1. Yes, people brought bark scorpion to Utah from Phoenix on landscaping trucks loaded with palm trees. They're all over the area now. I go out at night also and kill 500-1000 a year similarly. I spray them with Black Flag spider & scorpion aerosol which does work although it's not instantaneous. Some get dismembered (a Stingerectomy) with a long screwdriver.

  9. It's surprising to hear his wife claims to be a damaged party since she would have obviously benefited from the swelling. I think they'll easily beat that claim in court...

  10. Rocked him like a hurricane.

  11. Stopped one walking on my friends baby's crib. They seemed to locate to cheap trailer homes in the south west.

  12. “It really doesn’t matter, so much, how it got there,”

    I get it...we all have our kinks.


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