
Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Commentary: Unchecked Immigration Has Transformed America

The United States is deep into a season of severe discontent. Our politics are polarized, our Congress is moribund, and our purchasing power has tumbled. A Gallup poll in early 2024 showed that only 20 percent of Americans are satisfied with the “way things are going.” Nearly 70 percent believe the country is on the “wrong track.” 

While innumerable failures of government factor into this public cynicism, evidence suggests that U.S. immigration policy is among its most powerful components. Despite our self-image as a “nation of immigrants” and our public celebration of “diversity,” a growing number of Americans sense that immigration, especially in its most frenzied illegal form of the past three years, is implicated in some of the country’s most vexing problems.


  1. This is why I don't get why dems get ANY votes at all.

  2. Be prepared. Once the trucks stop all those people will be looking for food and water.

  3. We need to stop referring to "government" as the entity causing all these problems. It isn't. It's the Democrat Party which has taken control of the government and is using the power of the "government" (illegally) to achieve their agenda. Immoral, evil people are going to do immoral, evil things to us. Half the country is on board with that...

  4. Worth the read:

    1. B,
      I also enjoyed:

  5. Just wait until uncle Sam quits paying their way. Only then will people figure out why these folks were allowed to enter. It is easy to see why they wanted the immigration problem to stay in the red states instead of moving to the blue ones.

  6. "I was going to go to work today but the voices inside my head told me to stay home and clean the guns"

  7. Ever since the Immigration Act of 1965.
    It’s cool living in a “democracy” but not getting to vote on important things, like the country being flooded with blacks and browns


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