
Thursday, October 03, 2024

Congress Advances Resolution to Counteract Biden-Harris Ban on Private Gun Sales

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has been ludicrously touting her supposed “pro-gun” credentials, part of her overall strategy to appear more moderate to critical swing state voters just long enough to get elected. The media has predictably played along, breathlessly reporting that Harris herself is a gun owner. Just last week, the vice president even told Oprah Winfrey in a televised appearance, “If anybody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.” (That is undoubtedly true, as Harris is protected at all times at the taxpayers’ expense by U.S. Secret Service Agents.)


  1. A resolution, a fucking resolution...

    1. Yea, now you know they're serious.

  2. ? What? No sternly worded letters!

  3. Normally, I would agree that a resolution has near zero value, but in this case it may have some. All rules enacted by Fed agencies have to be supported by laws passed by Congress and signed into law by the Pres. If congress passes a resolution saying the rule is not supported by existing law, it could carry weight with a court reviewing the constitutionality of the rule. Consider what alternative Congress has now, if they try to amend the applicable law, the Dems will filibuster in the Senate. Even if it passes both houses, Dementia Joe will veto it. For now, they did the only thing possible.

    1. Maybe, but it'll still drag through the litigation for years.


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